Page 26 of Tangled Roses

I’m not surprised but curious and Ed whispers, “Because of his history with the founder of Burning Roses I guess.”

“Marsha Steele?”

Ed shakes his head.

“Marsha Steele is a figurehead, Arman. A front for the organization.”

“Then who is really in charge?”

My heart is beating fast because this is news I wasn’t expecting, and Ed shakes his head.

“You will have to ask Marsha Steele that question. It is not my information to spill.”

“Then why tell me at all?”

He shrugs. “Because I believe everyone deserves to know the facts before signing their life away. Do your research, but do it fast because your business is at stake.”

I am so frustrated because he is throwing warnings out like confetti, but nothing else.

I glance up as the women return and note the expression on Gabrielle’s face as she heads toward me. She has a determination in her expression that makes my heart sink, and I have a feeling this evening is about to descend into chaos.

“Ladies.” A loud voice booms out and we turn to see Joel commanding our attention.

“Please line up against the wall facing it. It’s time for our first game.”

The women don’t hesitate and do as he says, and Gabrielle shakes her head and hisses, “No fucking way.”

I sense the curiosity of the other men and don’t miss the steely gleam in Michael’s eyes as he smirks in our direction.

The vulnerable expression in Gabrielle’s eyes tugs on what is pretending to be a heart, and I whisper to Ed, “What’s happening?”

“I’m sorry. You should just go along with this.”

Michael says loudly, “Come on honey, don’t be shy.”

All eyes turn to Gabrielle and she backs away. “I’m um good thanks. Games aren’t really my thing. In fact, I could really use some air.”

“You don’t have a choice.” Joel adds harshly and fixes me with a meaningful glare.

“Arman, perhaps you should explain the rules to your delightful companion.”

For the first time in my life, I am backed into a corner and don’t know what to do. Business always comes first. Period. Gabrielle is expendable, but the business is not. This should be an easy decision.

My mind is racing and my heart is thumping as the men stare at me with anticipation. They are waiting for my move and I know this is a test to prove I am one of them. Then I see the hurt and fear in Gabrielle’s beautiful eyes and it would be like killing a puppy. An innocent in the world of debauchery, a sacrifice if you like.

“We are waiting.”

Michael says with a steely edge to his voice and Joel snaps, “Perhaps our guest requires a demonstration.”

He turns to the women facing the wall.

“Spread your legs.”

They do as he says and I watch in horror as he unzips his pants and palms his disgusting cock and approaches the girl on the end. Gabrielle’s gasp of horror echoes through my soul as he pushes into the girl from behind and fucks her against the wall. The other men watch silently and the girls say nothing and all we hear are the loud groans of the man proving what a bastard he is in full view of everyone else.

As he pulls out, he moves onto the next one and does the same. Hammering each woman to the wall as he tears away any morality they had left. When he reaches the fourth woman, he comes hard inside her, his roar of pleasure sickening to hear, and then he turns and fixes his attention to a horrified Gabrielle and says grimly, “I need someone to clean this off. Get on your knees.”

His gaze sweeps past her and the challenge in his eyes is apparent, and her stricken look causes something to shift inside my empty heart.