She nods and jerks her head toward the door in the corner. The other girl seizes her chance and smiles at Tony.
“May I also be excused?”
“Of course honey, we must talk business, so take as long as you need.”
I breathe a sigh of relief and make to move away and Arman catches my hand and tugs me back, whispering, “I’m trusting you.”
I say nothing and merely grin as I follow the women across the grand reception room.
We reach a carpeted hallway and the blonde girl sighs. “Thanks, hun. These things are so boring and any excuse to get away is most appreciated.”
She smiles. “I’m Carly, by the way.”
“Gabrielle, but my friends call me Ellie.”
I turn to the other girl and she adds, “Jane. Otherwise known as Iris Mahoney.”
Carly giggles. “Me too. What are the odds?”
They share a wicked smile and then Carly says with interest. “I haven’t seen you before, Gabrielle, um, Ellie. Are you new to the agency?”
“What agency?”
Their eyes widen. “Wow. You don’t know then.” Jane gasps.
We reach another door and they pull me through it and turn to regard me with wide eyes. It’s as if I’m an exhibit in a zoo and I’m uncomfortable.
Carly says. “Burning Roses.”
Jane adds. “It’s an escort service that supplies girls for parties like this.”
“I’ve never heard of it.” I lie, hoping to delve a little deeper into my mother’s sordid affairs.
“Tell me about it.”
Carly shrugs as she leans back against the wall. “We join and sign an NDA. What goes on inside Burning Roses stays there but I won’t be violating that if I tell you we are expected to do whatever the client wants.”
“And they want a lot,” Jane hisses bitterly.
“Don’t be fooled by these men, Ellie. They are without morals. These parties are just excuses to commit depravity, and I urge you to leave as soon as possible because things are about to get dirty.”
“Why do you do it?” I’m shocked and Carly smiles sadly.
“Money. They pay a lot, and one evening at a Burning Rose party pays your rental for a year.”
“No way.”
I’m shocked and Jane nods. “It pays more than the average person earns in six months and if you attend one party a month, you enjoy a very comfortable living. It’s why we do it. One night in exchange for the rest of the month off.”
“Unless you want more, of course.” Carly interrupts.
“You see, Gabrielle, it’s easy money, really. Most of the men are old and unable to last long and the girls here know the score. Occasionally, the men contact us separately and work out an arrangement. I’ve known girls set up in penthouses, driving sports cars and enjoying expensive vacations if they grab the attention of a powerful man. It’s almost impossible to resist.”
“I can see the attraction.”
I’m stunned and Jane says with curiosity, “What’s your story?”