Page 23 of Tangled Roses

I take a moment and then say firmly, “Our father was a member of this club for a very good reason, and we are only aware of his membership now. He guarded his secret well and I can assure you of the same discretion. It’s in all our interests to work together and nothing will change except the man standing before you, representing the interests of our family. Business as usual is what you seek and is what you will get. Send me the details and consider it done. It’s well within our capabilities, but in return–”

I fix them with a hard glare of my own.

“We play by the same rules as my father did.”

As I speak, the women head back our way and Joel says jovially, “Not all of your father’s rules, I hope.”

His meaning is clear as he strips Gabrielle with his dirty thoughts and my voice is like steel as I hiss, “All of them.”

The possessive fury in my voice causes them to exchange a resigned look and Michael says with a sigh, “It must be a Russian thing. It’s a shame because your companion would be most appreciated by our members.”

Their eyes trip on her curves as she sways toward us, and I am regretting the choice of clothing already. The dress code was included in the invitation and now I can see why. These dirty arrogant men want it all handed to them on a plate and women are obviously part of that.

As they reach our side, Joel definitely makes his point as he grasps his escort’s dress at the hem and lifts it around her waist, revealing her naked body beneath and he stares at Gabrielle the entire time as his thumb caresses the woman’s clit and he says evenly, “Welcome to our club, we will look forward to getting to know you better.”



Iam now officially in hell. I can’t believe what I’m seeing. The poor woman being mauled in public looks as sick as a dog.

I am trying so hard to disguise the disgust in my expression, but I’m failing miserably.

Luckily, Arman acts fast and says firmly, “We should greet the others. Please excuse us, gentlemen.”

He takes my arm and leads me away from the group and I hiss, “I want to leave. Now!”

“And you think I don’t.”

I whisper, “I mean it, Arman. Whatever your reasons are for being here are not mine and quite frankly, I’m appalled at this behavior. I mean, really disgusted and if you think…”

“Mr. Romanov.” A loud voice cuts me off and I notice a distinguished-looking gentleman heading toward us. His arm slipped around the shoulders of a carbon copy of the last girl.

“Mr. Wilson.” Arman replies smoothly, and the man grins.

“Tony, please.”

His gaze lingers on my breasts a little too long, and then he reaches out and shakes Arman’s hand.

“I was sorry to learn about Andrei. He will be sadly missed by so many people.”

“Thank you.”

His comment brings me back to the reason we’re here, and for some reason it tugs on my heartstrings. Losing a loved one is a difficult thing to deal with. I should know. Little memories catch your heart when you least expect it. Grief shrouds your soul in misery and reminds you life is but a fleeting pleasure and is not to be taken for granted. The invisible clock that follows us through life might stop at any time and if we could see the hands ticking away, we would probably do things differently.

“I see you have met Michael and Joel already. Let me introduce you to Ed. He’s been waiting to meet you.”

I glance up as another man heads our way and there is something in his expression that is different from the others. I can’t place it and stare at him with curiosity as he catches my eye and smiles.

“Good evening, ma’am. Mr. Romanov.” He smiles politely and extends his hand to Arman, who is polite but distant around these men.

He is wary. I already sense that and wonder if he’s doing a good enough job of settling these men’s minds. I’m aware a lot is riding on this evening and I should play my part, but it will definitely not involve whoring myself out for the men’s pleasure. I would rather join my grandmother in her dusty grave.

I’m already bored by their talk of business and regard the women standing patiently waiting with interest. I smile at a pretty girl with blonde curls and she returns it with a sad one of her own.

I feel encouraged and say with an urgent smile, “I don’t suppose there are any restrooms in here?”

Ed nudges the girl. “Show our guest to the nearest one, darling.”