Page 99 of Moon's Promise

“Do you have any brothers or sisters?”


When she saw the bridge coming up ahead, Larissa was almost sorry they had reached Jamestown.

“Do you need me to give directions?”

“No, I looked it up when you texted me the address. How do you like staying with Sex Piston’s parents?”

“They are very sweet.”

Larissa didn’t miss his cross expression at her answer.

“They really are!”

“I’m not doubting they are to you.”

“They aren’t to you?”

“I can’t say.”

Confused, she stared at him. “Then why did you make that face when I said they are sweet?”

“I’d rather you had told me you hate them and don’t want to stay there,” he admitted.

She couldn’t help giving an appreciative laugh. “I like your honesty.”

Moon brought the car to a stop in front of Sex Piston’s parents’ home to study her intently. Did he think she was joking?

“I’m serious.”

His lips twisted wryly. “At least I can chalk one thing you like about me on the scoreboard.”

Unbuckling the seat belt, she reached for the door handle in preparation to get out. “Thank you for the ride. I’m glad we were finally able to have a conservation without arguing.”

“Technically, it’s our second one we got through without arguing.”

The way Moon was looking at her made her feel heated and needy. Her throat went as dry as a desert, meaning she was unable to get a word out, even if she could form one in her mind.

Jet’s sudden appearance as he opened the door made her exit the car.

She was closing the door when Moon got out.

“I’ll text you when I set up another appointment with Lana.”

“Yeah … I …” He broke off with a glare at Jet. “You mind?”

Jet glared back, unperturbed. “Not at all. Go ahead. I’ll wait.”

Was she going to have to witness this pissing contest every time she went out?

“I’m fine, Jet. Thank you. Moon and I have come to an understanding.”

“Wow. What a shocker.”

Larissa frowned. “We’re all three going to get along, aren’t we?”

She stared at the men until Jet stepped away and moved back to sit on his motorcycle, then breathed of sigh relief that the budding argument between the two men had been averted.