Page 84 of Moon's Promise

He retreated to his bike and tied a bandana around his head when the wind kicked up, blowing his hair against his face. Fucking hell, just go back to Treepoint and ask for Shade’s help, Moon castigated himself. Stubbornly, he started his bike.

Train himself had said how upset Killyama had been when Larissa moved away, yet he hadn’t heard about Priscilla coming to Train’s house to take her sister’s place. Had she decided to give in to Train’s wishes to have the baby in the hospital?

Moon didn’t think so.

He kicked up his kickstand then rode to the barbeque spot. The parking lot was crowded as fuck with the line coming out the door. Moon parked his bike and ignored the dirty looks he got from the crowd outside who were waiting. Sticking his head between two people in line, he was finally able to see where the customers were sitting.

His eyes traveled down the line of women sitting at a long middle table. He recognized every single one of them, including the one he had been searching for over the last several months.

He started to slip through the gap between customers only to find his T-shirt grabbed from the front and bumped out of line.

“Get your ass to the back of the line.” Angry gray eyes dueled with his.

“I’m not here for the food. I’m just trying to get past.”

“You don’t have ‘excuse me’ in your fucking vocabulary?”

Moon wanted to pound the fucker into Neverland but decided he had more important shit to deal with.

“Excuse me, may I get past?”

The man, who was eye level with him, took a step back, allowing him space to walk through.

Giving the stranger a curt nod, Moon walked toward the table.

Larissa’s eyes widened when she spotted him. Killyama and Sex Piston, who were sitting on opposite sides of Larissa, scooted their chairs closer to her.

He didn’t miss Larissa folding her arms on the table, blocking the swell of her belly from view, but forced a polite smile on his face. “Larissa, I haven’t seen you in town lately.” Moon greeted her as if it was pure happenstance that he was there in the crowded restaurant. “How have you been doing?”

“Well,” she said in a strangled voice. “You?”

“Good.” Moon didn’t let his gaze drop. “You living in Jamestown now?”

“I …”

Moon could read in the fear in her eyes as she decided how to answer.

“I…” she continued to stutter.

“You mind leaving, Moon?” Sex Piston spoke out sharply. “We’re trying to have a girls’ day out, so beat it. No dicks allowed.”

“In that case, I wouldn’t want to disturb your ladies’ meal. Larissa”—Moon gave her a determined smile—“we can catch up after your meal. I’d like a few words outside when you’re finished.”

Sex Piston glared at him. “What in the fuck don’t you get? A girls’ day out means the whole fucking day. Besides, she doesn’t want to talk to you, anyway, do you?”

Larissa’s fear-filled eyes switched from his to Sex Piston, who must have given her the reassurance she needed.

“No, I don’t.”

“Larissa, look at me.”

Slowly, she turned her gaze back to his.

“We need to talk.”

“All right, give me your number, and I’ll call you later.”

“You have my number. I gave it to your mother.” His eyes dared her to lie about her mother giving her his number.