“Do you mind getting my nail file from my bedroom? It’s on my nightstand. I meant to bring it out here with me and forgot.”
“Perhaps it’s better off in the bedroom.”
Killyama laughed. “You think I’m going to use it to hurt Train?”
“Of course not,” she denied, but that was exactly what she thought. You didn’t get a nickname like hers without a damn good reason. “I just don’t believe in putting temptation within reach.”
“I’m not going to hurt my man, as mad as I am at him. I broke a nail.”
“Let me see.”
Killyama hit the arm of the couch she laughed so hard. When she finally stopped, she gave her an admiring look. “I like you.”
Larissa smiled. “I like you, too. Would you like some toast?”
“Dab some peanut butter on that bitch—I’m hungry.”
She went to the kitchen, made Killyama the toast, and poured her some water from the refrigerator.
She had settled a tray over Killyama’s lap when T.A. walked through the front door without knocking.
“The cavalry has arrived,” she said jokingly.
Slinging the bag she carried with her equipment onto her shoulder, Larissa told the women goodbye.
When she didn’t hear any shouts, she assumed the sheriff had broken up the fight, as his squad car was still in the parking lot. Getting in her car, she hurried to put the key in the ignition. She didn’t want to be here in case the sheriff wanted to talk to her about witnessing the fight. If he came looking for her, she planned to lie like hell. There was no way she was going to get dragged into court as a witness.
Her first plan of action when she got back to the office was to make plans to get out of Treepoint. The second was to forget how she had conceived her baby.
After she saw her client out the door, Larissa immediately went to Priss’ office.
“Are you busy?”
Priss looked up from her computer. “I’m free. What’s up?”
“I’m going back to Bowling Green.”
Her sister’s jaw dropped. “Why?”
Larissa told her what she had seen at The Last Riders’. “I can’t raise a child with that man. He’s too violent.”
“Maybe it wasn’t as bad as it seemed. They’re all friends. They could have been roughhousing. We didn’t grow up with brothers, so of course it looks scary.”
“There was blood, Priss. Train was trying to break Moon’s neck.”
“You can’t leave.” Priss began to look panicked. “What about your clients?”
“Lana can take over for those who don’t want to use your services. I can’t stay, and I have to leave before I start showing.”
“Are you still going to tell him you had sex with him that night?”
Larissa started chewing on her bottom lip. “I don’t know. I told Winter I would. If I leave without telling him, Moon might be angry enough to find me. I certainly don’t want him finding me after I start showing. I want to go back to Bowling Green. Mom is there. I should have never left. I don’t want to live my life on the run, afraid he’ll find me if I don’t. I think it would best to go ahead and tell him then move away. I can tell my clients that Mom has become ill.”
Press rolled her eyes at her. “The same mom we’re constantly bragging about acting like she’s twenty years younger than her age?”
“I’ll come up with some excuse. We can talk about it tonight and decide which would be the best way to go.”
“Okay …”