Page 70 of Moon's Promise

“I don’t find this funny,” she said once she had put the phone back to her ear.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to laugh.”

Whoever it was didn’t sound sorry.

“Who am I speaking with?” she asked sharply. She was going to report the operator to the responding officer.

“I’m the sheriff.”

“Oh … that’s good, then.” Larissa wanted to smack her forehead at how lame she sounded. “I’m going to leave now,” she told them.

“Good idea.”

She ended the call, then took a last look at the fight. It had calmed down somewhat. They were still fighting, but they were moving slower. Turning, she hurried back to Killyama’s house.

She gave a quick knock before she entered the house, seeing Killyama had moved from the bedroom to the living room.

“Are you feeling better?”

“Yes, at least I didn’t throw up for the last thirty minutes.” Her eyes went behind her. “You didn’t find Train?”

“No, I couldn’t find him.”

Killyama frowned. “You knock on the back door like I told you and tell them Train wasn’t answering his messages?”

“I couldn’t make it to the back door. Everyone was fighting.”

Interest piqued in her eyes. “What were they fighting over?”

“I don’t know.”

“Why didn’t you ask one of them?”

“I couldn’t. They were all fighting. It wasn’t safe for me to get too close.”

“You mean, they were physically fighting or arguing fighting?”

“I mean they were physically fighting, with their fists,” she elaborated.

“Damn, and I missed it.” Killyama picked up her cell phone. Larissa assumed she was texting to find out what was going on.

Larissa looked at her own cell phone. “I hate to leave you alone. Is there someone else you can call besides Train? I have another appointment in thirty minutes.”

“I’ll call T.A. She lives about ten minutes away. You can go ahead and go.”

“I’ll wait until you make sure T.A. can come,” she said firmly.

Ignoring the irritated stare-down, Larissa folded her arms over her chest stubbornly.

“You’re a pain in my ass,” Killyama told her.

“I will be for the next several months, so get used to it.”

“I must be crazy …” Killyama broke off. “Bitch, get your ass over here. Larissa won’t leave until someone is with me.” Killyama listened to what T.A. was saying, her expression turning more irritated. “Bitch, I don’t know where that fucker is, but when he comes home, I’m going to give him a piece of advice his ass will never forget. You coming or not?”

Nodding, she ended the call without a goodbye. “She’s on her way.”

Relieved, Larissa took a seat on an armchair across from where Killyama was sitting.