Page 67 of Moon's Promise

“Let me know if there is anything I can do.”

“I will.”

Moon opened the door for Ginny as she walked toward him, then let her go first before following to close it.

“You got it?” She beamed at him when he swung the bag in front of her.

“I did.”

“You don’t know how much I appreciate your help...”

When she reached out to take it, he lowered it back to his side. “Enough to give me a piece of information I need?”

Ginny frowned at him, her excitement dimming. “What information?”

“Do you remember the night you girls got in a fight at Mick’s bar?”

“Yes. So?”

“Do you remember coming back to the club afterward?”

Moon had to give Ginny credit. If he hadn’t seen the troubled glint in her eyes, her expression would have fooled him.

“I mean, it’s not etched into my memory, but I remember hanging out here for a couple of hours.”

“Let’s see if you remember this part. Who went upstairs while you were here?”

When Ginny opened her mouth to speak, Moon held up his hand.

“Before you say anything, I want to warn you not to lie to me. I can easily sell this watch to someone else.”

Ginny folded her arms over her chest. “One thing I do remember is you’re the person who suggested giving Gavin a watch for his birthday.”

“I want to know who it was,” he said firmly.


Expecting her to be angry at his manipulation, he was puzzled why she wasn’t.

“That’s a private matter.”

“It’s not private if you’re involving me.”

“Who was it? Lily? Killyama? You?”

“I’ve changed my mind about the watch. I’ll bake him a cake.”

Realizing he wasn’t going to get an answer from her, he lifted his hand with the bag to give her the watch just as a sharp, needle-like pain sank into his calf.

“What the fuck!”

Ginny, who had started for the door, swung back, and the unexpectedness of her action caused the bag to hit her face.

Moon looked downward to see what was attacking him then jerked his gaze back up when he felt the bag connect with Ginny.

“Fuck! Did I hit you?” Moon yelled sharply, seeing the evil cat who had caused the mishap scatter away at his raised voice.

The back door slammed open as Reaper, Shade, and Train came barreling outside.