Coming to a conclusion, he decided he might as well come clean and see if Viper could help solve the riddle of who the woman had been, as he was making zero progress on his own.
“Someone came into my room that night, I fucked her, she left. I have no idea who she was. I didn’t fuck air, nor was it a wet dream. I’ve ruled out all the club women—it wasn’t any of them. I asked Winter who had gone upstairs that night, and she told me the only person who went upstairs during the party was her …” Seeing Viper’s expression darken, he hastened to add, “So, going by what she says, I either fucked her or she’s lying.”
Moon took a hasty step back from the desk when Viper rose from his chair to lunge toward him.
“Call her a liar again, and I’ll rip out your tongue.” Viper snarled, straightening after the failed attempt to grab him.
“You’re president of The Last Riders—be fucking impartial for a fucking minute and hear me out. Wouldn’t it bug the piss out of you if the shoe were on the other foot? Take Winter out of the equation and be open-minded. I don’t think it was her, but she’s protecting someone. I want to know who it is.”
Viper’s grim demeanor didn’t relax. “You’re always managing to get involved in some stupid shit! I’m fucking sick of your bullshit nonsense. Wizard is, too. Hell, the whole club is.” He sat back down on the chair behind the desk. “You’ve crossed the line with Winter.”
Moon’s jaw clenched. “I know … but this shit … it’s driving me nuts.”
Viper wasn’t sympathetic. “Maybe so, but you should have told me and asked me to talk to her. Don’t think I don’t know why you decided to confront Winter instead of the other women. If she knows, the other women know as well. You want me to play referee to keep yourself alive before you press your luck with them. Brother, you’re going down a slippery slope testing those women. Shade will kill your ass if you say the wrong thing to Lily. Razer will, too, but it will be more painful. And we both know you don’t want to fuck around and find out with Reaper.”
Obstinately, Moon stared at Viper. “I’m not going to let it rest.”
“I know you’re not … Fuck!” Viper picked up a stapler to throw it at him.
Moon tilted his head to dodge the flying missile.
“You’re leaving. There’s a truck heading out this afternoon. You, Jesus, and Puck are going to be escorts. You three can stay at the Ohio chapter. I don’t need you here anymore. You’ll be more useful there, anyway. Seems like most of the thefts are happening there—the missing orders are being logged out of here but coming up short on the other end. Wizard can deal with your bullshit.”
Moon was about to argue that he wasn’t leaving until he found out who had slipped into his room, but Viper’s chilly expression stopped him cold.
“I’ll find out who in the hell she was, and maybe I’ll let you come back then.”
Moon gritted his teeth, sitting down in the chair next to him. “I’ll go, but only because I respect you, brother.”
“Don’t do me any favors.”
Viper’s sarcasm caused Moon to wince. When Viper wanted to cut you down, he didn’t need a blade.
Aware he was skating on thin ice, he moved toward safer ground. “Brother, I realize I’m a pain in the ass.” He ran his sweaty palms down his jean-clad thighs. “I swear I don’t go looking for this shit to happen to me. I didn’t expect Dream to go off the rails and start lying about me, and I damn sure didn’t expect for someone to sneak into my room, other than who normally comes in there. Just figure it out for me—fast.”
“I’ll do the best I can.” Viper eyed him challengingly. “I love you, brother. I’ve put up with you for a long time, but you’re coming close to insubordination. It was your decision to step down as president of the Ohio chapter.” He sighed. “There comes a time the disadvantages of you being a Last Rider outweigh the advantages.” Viper rose from behind the desk to study him, as if debating to rip him apart or throw him out of the club.
“I’ve seen you fuck six women in a row and not give a flying fuck who they were. Why are you suddenly willing to get thrown out of the club over this one?”
Moon wasn’t stupid; he had seen brothers thrown out for a lot less than he had done when a member caused turmoil within the club. Viper’s patience wasn’t infinite, and he had gone past where other brothers had ventured.
“I have no fucking clue.” Moon fidgeted in his chair. “Whoever she is felt different to me than other women I’ve been with. She’s stuck in my head.”
Viper placed his hands on the desk as he leaned back. “Like I said, I’ll do what I can to find out who she is. Until then, do you think you can go back to Ohio without starting shit there, or maybe you should take a break from the club? When’s the last time you went to see your mom?”
“It’s been a few,” Moon admitted. “I don’t want a break. I’ll keep out of everyone’s hair.”
“I’m taking your word on it, Moon. Next time, I won’t give you the option.”
Moon reluctantly nodded.
“Make sure you apologize to Winter before—”
The phone on the desk rang, interrupting him. Viper went back around the desk and answered the phone.
“Yes, Knox?”
Moon couldn’t hear what the other brother said as Viper listened. He started to rise to give him some privacy but sat back down when Viper motioned him to stay.