Page 41 of Moon's Promise

Bracing himself to be tossed off the side of the mountain, he raised his hands, preparing to defend himself.

Winter caught the back of her husband’s shirt. “Stop it, Viper!”

“Brother, you better explain yourself!”

“I’ll leave it to Winter to explain. Maybe she’ll tell you the truth, because she isn’t telling me jack shit.”

Viper grabbed him by the arm when he would have walked into the house. “I expect you to be in the office first thing in the morning,” he snapped.

“I’ll be there.”

Jerking his arm out of Viper’s grip, he slammed into the house to see Ember running back to the counter.

“You get an eyeful?”

“Sorry, I couldn’t help it when I heard you and Viper arguing outside.”

“Next time, mind your own business.”

Storming out of the kitchen, he took the steps two at a time. He hit his bedroom and shut the door with his foot. Staring around the room, he wanted to tear it apart. Instead, Moon sat down on the side of the bed and buried his head in his hands.

The room felt like a cage to him. He wanted his own damn home. Something with a big backyard so he could throw a ball to his kid. He’d had his backyard designed since he was twenty-five years old.

Raising his head to look around the small room, he felt it closing in around him tighter each day.

He was losing it, and Moon knew he was losing it. Why else would he have goaded Winter to answer his question, other than he was losing his fucking mind? He couldn’t understand why it mattered so fucking much to him who had slipped into his room. Maybe one of the club women had come up with the idea, thinking it was a game to spice the sex up. They had been successful, if so.

The woman had taken over his thoughts so much he had lost his fucking mind enough to insult the club’s president. He’ll be lucky if Viper didn’t give him his marching orders.

Rising from the bed, he threw off his clothes, deciding to go to sleep. Turning the light off, Moon grabbed a pillow as he rolled onto his stomach. He thought he wouldn’t be able to sleep, but the early morning sun woke him when he rolled over.

Yawning, he stretched out, looking toward the clock on his nightstand. Damn, it was only five a.m. It would be several hours before Viper would be at the office at the factory. No one else would be awake, either. And he didn’t feel like working out so early in the morning.

After showering and dressing, he went downstairs to make himself a cup of coffee. Echo and Jade were already looking at the coffee machine, blurry-eyed, as if something was wrong.

“You forget how to make coffee?” he joked, moving to where they stood.

“We’re out of coffee,” Jade said, as if he could make coffee materialize.

“Sorry, I don’t keep a spare bag on me.”

Neither woman appreciated his humor.

“Could you run to the convenience store in town for us?”

“I can.”

Jade smiled at him. “Thanks. We were dreading going out.”

“I’ll be right back.”

Moon left the women working on getting breakfast started. Going to the front closet, he grabbed his thicker jacket and took out the stocking hat he kept in the pocket.

He grimaced as the freezing air hit him when he opened the door to Domino, who moved aside to let him exit.

“You’re going out early.”

Moon closed the door. “It’s cold as a witch’s tit out here,” he observed, drawing his gloves on.