Page 28 of Moon's Promise

“Close the door.” Moon felt his nostrils flare in anger. “Give us five minutes before you come back inside. We’ll get out of your way.”

“Take your time. We’re in no hurry.” Killyama turned toward the woman who had already turned and was rushing back out the door. “I’ll send Train another text.”

“That would have been a good idea before you came in here,” Moon gritted out, furious Killyama had so blithely brought a stranger into the club at this time of day.

He didn’t know what game Killyama was playing with Train, and he didn’t give a fuck. She had broken a club rule, and she was going to be held accountable.

The club had gone through a series of transitions since some of the brothers had married, and he had adjusted through them, but Killyama’s blatant disregard of the rules pissed him the hell off. Whoever the woman was should have never been allowed inside at this time of the day, and the members who lived here would be made aware that an outsider had come inside. Killyama had broken two rules at the expense of Jade, Stori, and the unknown woman. He wasn’t even including himself, as furious as he was.

At least Killyama had the sense to realize she had gone too far and had left, closing the door after her.

Detaching himself from Jade, he quickly gathered her and Stori’s clothes and handed them to them.

“I bet she got an eyeful.” Stori laughed, not bothering to put her clothes back on. “At least you two were mostly behind the couch.”

Jade only tugged her top back on, leaving her bottom half uncovered. “It doesn’t matter. She’s used to seeing women’s bodies,” she casually remarked.

Moon tugged his jeans on then pulled his T-shirt over his head. “You know who that woman is?”

“I don’t know her name, or which one she is, but Killyama mentioned at lunch today that she would bring her by.”

Moon grabbed his boots in one hand. “Who is she?” he asked Jade since she seemed to know more than Stori.

“Killyama’s doula.”

“Her name is Doula?”

“No, she’s a doula.”

Moon frowned. “What in the fuck is a doula?”

“She provides emotional support for Killyama and Train during their pregnancy and having the baby.”

His jaw clenched, still furious. “That’s a thing?”

“Oh … yes. It’s getting more and more popular.”

“I’m glad Killyama is going to have emotional support; she’s going to fucking need it.”


“You’re not going to believe this!”

Larissa dropped the book on her lap as Priscilla stormed into the living room. Lana closed the kitchen cabinet and moved to the counter to listen as Priscilla dropped her coat and purse on a chair offset the couch.

Larissa hesitated to ask what had Priscilla so fired up, aware of who her last scheduled appointment of the day was with. Lana, on the other hand, had no such hesitation, giving her a worried frown.

“What aren’t we going to believe?”

“I just want to say …” Priscilla glowered at both of them as she raised her hands, emphasizing how furious she was with the both of them. “I want to know how you two were both taken in by a man who has the morals of an alley cat.”

Larissa felt a heated blush creep up her cheeks. “Are you talking about Moon?”

Priscilla karate chopped the air. “Who else would I be talking about?”

Placing another pillow behind her back, Larissa raised herself higher on the couch. “I didn’t pick him.” She tried to keep her voice level and calm, even though she was fighting not to raise her voice. “I didn’t know Moon was even back at the club.”

Leaving the kitchen, Lana went to the couch to pick up the coat and purse, which had been tossed aside, and hung both on the coat rack. “I accept full responsibility.” She took a seat on the chair she had cleared. “Both of you were ready to go home. I was the one who wanted to stay at The Last Riders’.”