Page 24 of Moon's Promise

“Ah … I must have missed that part. In that case, we can let them pick out six gifts apiece.”

Where was the fucking we coming from? The only credit card number Echo would be using was his.

“Sounds good.”

“Thanks, Moon! You’re the best!”

Moon watched Echo’s ass bounce up the steps eagerly. Waiting until she had gone through the door and shut it, he fell backward onto the mat to stare at ceiling. He had just made a costly mistake because he hadn’t listened to Puck.

As he looked at the ceiling, another thought came to him.

If it wasn’t Echo or Ember, who in the hell had he fucked last night?


“Moon! Did you hear what I just said?”

Moon jumped at Viper’s yell. “I heard.”

Viper folded his arms over his chest. “Then what did I just say?”

Moon gave the brothers sitting in the den a look, hoping one of them would divert Viper’s attention from him.

“Brother, you’re on your own,” Rider mumbled out of the corner of his mouth.

Clueless as to what Viper had been saying, Moon decided to wing it. “What? Are we in sixth grade again? Why don’t you ask Rider if he was listening?” If the brother didn’t want to help him out, then Moon had no compunction about throwing him under the bus.

At his flippant reply, Viper strode forward to where he was sitting on the couch and stared down at him imposingly. Moon was perceptive enough to know he was about rip him a new one.

“Maybe because Rider doesn’t know the answer to the question I asked you.”

“Sorry, Viper, I must have tuned out for a second. What did you ask?”

Viper wasn’t mollified, but he did step back. “I asked you if you finished with the inventory at the factory.”

“Almost. All I lack is the refrigerated section.”

“Fuck. Shade’s waiting for the numbers so we can compare to last month’s figures. What’s the holdup?”

Moon sat up from his relaxed position on the couch. “It’s taking so long because those seed packets are a bitch to count. I’ve busted my balls for the last three days to get the inventory done for you. Sorry I decided to take a night off because all I could see was numbers when I closed my eyes.”

Moon expected Viper to have at him again, but he was too tired to give a damn. If Viper wanted to give the job to someone else to complete, he could. Shit, he didn’t need the money from the overtime pay that badly.

As the words floated through his mind, he remembered the promise he had made to Echo and knew he was fucked. He was going to need that overtime money when they came to him with their wish lists.

Viper began nodding toward Puck. “Puc—”

“I’ll have the figures to Shade by six,” Moon cut him off.

Viper turned back to him. “If not, Puck’s getting the job, and he’s going to get paid for doing the whole inventory.”

Moon clenched his jaw to keep from smarting off to Viper. Viper paid enough that the brothers competed with each other as to who would get first pick of either taking the overtime or turning it down. Doing the inventory was easy, and he had jumped at the chance when Viper had offered it to him. He had to get his mind back on track and put last night on the back burner.

“I’ll get it done.”

Viper gave him a curt nod before he continued with club business. “When Shade has the numbers, we’ll be able to compare them to the ones Wizard sent over and see if any of the changes we implemented have made a difference in the losses we’ve been experiencing the last four months.”

Moon met Viper’s eyes. “I told you what I think.”