Page 210 of Moon's Promise

“Fuck off.”

Larissa laughed. “You don’t mean that.”

“No. You’re too nice for us to be best buds, but I don’t mind hanging around you in small doses. I’ll help you work on becoming more like me. Moon won’t be able to not fall in love with you.”

“Your help would be greatly appreciated.” Ruefully, she smiled sadly at Killyama. “I love him so much it hurts.”

Three men came up to the bar, dressed identically, excepted for the difference in color uniforms and masks.

“The Three Musketeers, Puck?” Killyama slid a beer to the one closest to her.

“Yeah. I wasn’t happy with it, but Jesus talked me and Nickel into going along with it.”

Killyama gave the other two beers. “How?”

“One lucky lady is going to get three votes.”

“Or several lucky ladies,” Jesus butted in. “Depending on Nickel’s stamina.”

After that, Killyama and her tuned them out when they started teasing each other.

“By the way, before I forget, where did you get the jacket you were wearing?”

“I made it.”

“You see something like it in a store?” Killyama refilled her glass with more ginger ale.

“No. I just thought it would be cute to be dressed like one of the Pink Ladies.”


“From Grease.” Larissa nodded her head, waiting for the Pink Ladies to click at the mention of Grease.

“Oh …”

Clearly, she didn’t get it, the confusion evident on Killyama’s face.

“Didn’t the girls in Grease wear black jackets, not red satin? They sure as fuck didn’t have Last Riders written on the back. Didn’t they show some tits, too? The way you had that jacket zipped up, with that scarf, you could have gotten a G rating. I saved your ass there.”

“Yes, you did,” she agreed thankfully. “I forgot to mention, I love your outfit. I wouldn’t run if I were a felon and you came for me dressed like that.”

“That’s right, because you know I’d catch your ass.”

Larissa started to laugh then stopped when she realized Killyama wasn’t joking. She changed the subject. Something about Killyama scared her. The woman was actually acting as if she were a real bounty hunter.

“You think Train and Moon will be much longer?”

“If he’s not here in five more minutes, I’ll …” Killyama broke off, her eyes widening and a gleam entering her eyes that Larissa had never seen before.

Larissa turned to see who she was staring at.

“Holy shhhiitt,” Killyama purred.

She wanted to purr herself. One of The Last Riders had just walked in, wearing the costume of the main character from Warlord from Hell.

“Who’s is that?”

Larissa began to explain, “He’s a character from Warlord f—”