Page 205 of Moon's Promise

She had been just as clueless when Killyama had told her.

“I’m not joking.” Lifting her cell phone off the nightstand, she pulled up Moon’s inspiration. Pressing Play on the screen, she turned the phone toward Priss and Lana.

Priss sat down next to Lana on the bed.

“Wow.” Lana raised her eyes to meet hers. “Is Moon that limber?”

Larissa rolled her eyes. “If he is, he damn sure hasn’t shown me.”

The man on the video jumped up to grab the branch of a tree. Then, holding the limb with one hand, he raised his legs until he made an L shape. Sliding the hoop over his feet, the man then settled the hoop around his waist before dropping his legs again. When he put his now free hand back on the tree limb, the hoop started twirling at the jerking movements of his hips.

“The guy does resemble Moon,” Lana observed. “I wish the front of his hat didn’t shield his face.”

Priss gave a slow smile. “Me and you both, sister. You sure you’re not holding out on us, sis?”

“Moon’s tattoos are different than this guy’s. Besides, Moon might be good-looking, but coordinated, he isn’t.”

All three women watched the video for several minutes. Finally, Larissa was able to tear her gaze away from the gyrating hips.

“Moon would get a concussion trying to do that trick,” she told her sisters sarcastically. “He nearly broke his neck climbing a ladder to change a light bulb in the hallway.”

Priss kept her gaze centered on the phone. “What time are you two leaving for the party? I might hang around for a while.”

Larissa turned the phone around to see the influencer had dropped from the limb to use the hoop as a jump rope. The guy was a physical specimen that, as a doctor, she wouldn’t mind researching to find his genetic code … to replicate it for the good of women worldwide.

Closing her phone, she put it in the pocket of her jacket. “Save yourself the trouble. He’s working late, and he doesn’t even know when he’ll get off. Killyama promised to stick with me until he shows.” She fiddled with her scarf again. “I wanted to go late, but he told me that he’s going to beg Shade to let them get off early if they don’t take a break.”

“Hmm.” Priss gave her a sympathetic look, which she didn’t believe for a second. “I could throw a costume together and go, too.”

She didn’t believe for a second Priss’ motive was selfless, but Larissa didn’t discount the idea. She would feel more comfortable with Priss there.

“What would you wear?”

“A hula hoop.”

Lana started laughing so hard she fell back on the bed.

“Har, har.” Glowering at Priss, Larissa went to her vanity to pick up the lipstick she would be wearing. She would put it on before walking into the clubhouse. “You’re just a barrel of laughs.”

Lana rose up, wiping her tears of laughter away. “She wasn’t joking. I can see her wrapped around Moon all night. Be careful, Larissa. Priss might steal your Last Rider.”

“Hmph,” she snorted. “She’ll give him back when she realizes how much popcorn he goes through. And I certainly don’t see her putting up with his weird habits.”

“Like what?” Priss asked dubiously.

“At night, he’s constantly checking on Jace. He’s only let him sleep in the nursery one night since he’s been born. He’s got cameras all over the place, except for the bathrooms and our bedroom, and thinks I don’t know.”

From Priss’ expression, nothing she was saying was a big enough turnoff to change her mind about wanting to see if Moon would exhibit his skills using the hula hoop at the party. It was time to pull out the big guns.

“And he never puts the toilet seat down.”

“Never mind.” Priss wrinkled her nose. “I’d rather stay home and read a good book. Killyama will be there. You can talk to her until Moon gets there.”

“Are you sure?” Larissa guiltily adjusted her scarf. “I wouldn’t mind if you went.”

“I would stop while you’re ahead.”

Deciding to take Lana’s advice, she headed for the bedroom door with her purse and cell phone.