Page 203 of Moon's Promise

“No. I’m good.”

He stretched his arms, yawning. Rising, he rubbed his abdomen as if he had eaten too much. “I’m going to hit the shower and have an early night. I didn’t get much sleep last night,” he wisecracked.

“Good night.”

“Good luck finding your costume.”

She balefully watched him leave when he didn’t attempt to kiss her good night, only his threat keeping her from beaning him with the empty can.

Disappointed, she started scrolling through the costumes again. She was at the point of just calling it a night and go as a nun. Her lips twitched as she imagined The Last Riders’ reaction if she did. There wouldn’t be any votes going on. The only thing stopping her from deciding that was the costume was that it was much too Halloween-y.

When she found another site, she sat up straight. Persistence pays off, she crowed to herself. Crossing her fingers, she pulled the pattern up. It didn’t seem too complicated. The problem was: could she finish it in time? The closest fabric store was in Jamestown. If she could talk her mother into coming in early in the morning, she could be back in Treepoint by her first appointment. She could then work the pattern when at work.

Cheerful, she got off the couch, disposing of the two empty popcorn bags and cans. She felt much better about going to the party now since none of The Last Riders would know it was her under the costume.

She quietly walked into their bedroom to check on Jace. From the hall light, she could see Moon lying sprawled out on the bed, wearing a pair of black underwear that hugged his gorgeous ass.


She pursed her lips in disappointment at seeing the underwear, which he had started wearing after Jace’s birth; she had hoped they would be back in his drawer after last night.

That wasn’t the only disappointment she was dealing with. He was sound asleep. Here she was, all wired up from watching the scrumptious warlord, while he was out like a light.

Tempted to slam the door shut, she had to settle for making a face at him to keep from waking Jace.

Walking through the dark, she went to the bathroom. After showering, she changed into her nightgown before climbing in next to Moon. Shoving him over to make more room for herself, she glared at the dark ceiling when he didn’t wake.

Feeling vindictive, she wondered if he would wake up if she rolled him off the bed. She then gave herself a stern lecture.

What happened to the kind, sweet woman she used to be? She had been the least temperamental woman in her family. What had happened to change her?

Moon had.

Mr. Hot Lips had run over her feelings with his stupid motorcycle, playing kissy face with Saffron.

You’ve got to get a grip, Larissa, she told herself.

I will, after I find out for sure he hasn’t been cheating at the club.

What if he has?

Then Moon would be the first Last Rider to actually make it to the actual moon, courtesy of a one-way rocket, and she was just smart enough to do it.


“You look fantastic.” Priss gave a complimentary whistle. “All the women will be jealous.”

Mesmerized by her reflection, she was amazed at not only finishing the costume but that it had come out nearly as good as the picture on the website.

“You think so?” How would it feel to be the one envied this time? She could count on one hand how many parties she had attended in her life and still have two fingers left over. One, she had left in tears when she was ten, and the other two, she had left after a couple of hours.

“Oh, yes!” Priss assured her. “Doesn’t she, Lana?”

When Lana didn’t answer, Larissa looked at her sitting on the bed, texting on her phone.

“Lana?” Larissa tried to draw her sister’s attention. “Is there a problem with one of your patients?”

“Sorry,” she apologized. “I was checking on a patient’s status.”