“Occasionally.” He could practically see the wheels turning in her head. “Before you start accusing me, remember where my ass has been every Friday night since you came back to Treepoint.”
She started reading again.
“So,” he drawled out, “you want to go, or are you all talk?”
“Wild horses wouldn’t keep me away,” she snapped. “Now, will you let me finishing reading to Jace?”
“Of course,” he replied magnanimously. “In a sec. I have to work late on Friday—we have a truck we have to load—but you can meet me there. You’re going to have a fun time this weekend. We’re having a masquerade party.”
“Where do we get the clothes?”
Shrugging, he started massaging Jace’s little foot. “No clue. I wasn’t planning on going. I’ll probably figure something out.”
“What should I wear—”
He shook his head at her. “How about we surprise each other? You know how much I love surprises. Besides, I don’t imagine anyone puts a big effort into what their wearing. It’s more how great you look wearing as little as possible.” He threw in a salacious wink to really piss her off.
Seeing her hand tighten on the book she was holding, Moon prepared himself to be bopped with the picture book.
He held back his grin when she started reading again, then took out his cell phone and started scrolling through the news. Occasionally, he would glance over and see Jace was still wide awake. It was almost midnight before he noticed Jace’s eyelids begin to droop.
“You should put him to bed. He’s almost out,” Moon suggested in a firm voice.
“There’s only one page left of the story.”
“Put him to bed, Larissa. We both have to work in the morning.”
Throwing him a dirty look, she got out of the bed.
He waited until she was in front of the bed before he set her off again by saying, “Put Jace to bed in the nursey, Larissa.”
She stopped in her tracks. “Since when?” she argued. “You’re the one who wants him to sleep in here at night.”
“Tonight, I think we have a little business to settle. Take him to the nursey.”
“Okay, I will.”
The firecracker had agreed too quickly to fool him. She might be smarter, but he was wiser.
“Oh, and Larissa,” he softly called out before she could get through the door. “Don’t be too long. You don’t want me to come looking for you.”
Coming to an abrupt stop in the bedroom doorway after putting Jace down, Larissa gaped at Moon. The big doofus had removed his sweatpants and was sitting naked in the middle of the bed.
She shut the bedroom door and tried to think of disgusting creatures, like snails, snakes, and spiders, to keep from gawking at Moon.
Why? she mentally cried out. Why does he have the power to melt my body into molten lava?
It’s just not fair! she whined.
“Come to Papa.” He grinned wickedly.
Balefully, she pretended uninterest while her reproductive parts were yelling at her to get her some.
She walked to the side of the bed, then flipped the blanket over to cover his hardened cock. “Mama not in the mood.” Reaching for a pillow, she shoved it under her arm. “I can’t believe you think I’m going to sleep with you tonight. From what you said, I already have your vote. I need to save my strength for Friday. I’m going to be very busy ... Why don’t you go see if Ms. Kissy Face has room for you in her bed?” Proud of herself for keeping her voice low and even, she gave him a dismissive glance.