Priss didn’t answer; she was already gone.
Moon raised his brows at her when he caught her eyes. “You ready to go to the hospital?”
“No, I’m not,” she snapped.
His heart stopped when he saw her face twist in pain. “You’re having a contraction.”
Larissa’s eyes shot sparks at him. “How do you know?”
“I can tell.”
“Can you tell what I’m thinking, too?”
Moon glanced away from her glare. “Yeah.”
“Good. Then sit there and shut up.”
Moon snapped his mouth shut when Kendra gave him a threatening glare.
Taking out his phone out, he started texting.
“The contractions are coming eight minutes apart, Larissa.” Reaching down, Lana pulled out Larissa ponytail to gather the loose tendrils then tied a tighter ponytail.
As he witnessed the affectionate gesture, he caught Kendra staring at him. Bitch was probably planning how to kill him in his sleep.
Priss was back before the next contraction hit.
“Here we go,” she said, plugging it in.
Nothing happened.
“What in the world? It worked perfectly when I check it out last week.”
“Are you ready to go to the hospital now?” he asked eagerly.
Four sets of female eyes turned on him.
“I’m not going to the hospital.” Larissa’s pearly whites snarled at him. “You’ve been on board with us having the baby here. It’s too late to change your mind.”
“How’s it too late?” Moon looked at Lana. “How far apart are the contractions?”
“Eight minutes.”
“Shade can have you at the hospital in three minutes.”
“Moon …” Larissa grabbed Lana’s arm when she made a movement toward him. “Fix the air pump.”
“I don’t know anything about air pump motors. Train and Rider are the ones who work on the bikes. You want me to—”
He gripped the arm of the chair when Larissa gave a low moan.
A wave of nausea hit him, forcing him to swallow the stomach acid rising into his throat.
Kendra’s critical eyes latched on to his face. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine, Mom. The contractions aren’t as bad as I expected.”
“They’re going to get worse,” she told Larissa matter-of-factly before steering her grave look back toward him. “And I was asking Moon. He looks as if he’s going to hurl.”