Page 176 of Moon's Promise

Larissa raised her gown for Priss, then looked at her mother, catching the fear she didn’t have time to hide.

“Have you timed your contractions?” Priss asked when she returned to her side.

Larissa used a scrunchie to tie up her hair. “I’ve only had a few mild ones. I thought they were Braxton hicks. Mom, did Moon say he was on his way?”

Her mother shook her head. “I thought we would wait until we know how far apart the contractions are.”

Giving her an exasperated look, she pointed at her cell phone. “Call him.”

“Do I have to? Can’t it wait until the baby graduates high school?”


“All right, all right. I’m just teasing you to lighten the situation. I’ll call the son of a bitch.”


“How much longer we going to sit back and watch this crap and not do anything?” Moon complained to Shade and Viper as they all watched the live security monitor.

“Until we know who killed Pace.” Viper gestured toward the monitor. “The camera at the club shows he wasn’t there. They’ve been lying low. Shade and Reaper haven’t seen any evidence of him meeting any of The Last Riders away from the factory. So, how are they passing off what’s stolen?”

“I vote we ask the motherfucker.” Moon was pacing back and forth in the small booth. He wanted to quit wasting time and beat the information out of the thief.

Viper swiveled in the computer chair. “Whoever’s behind this is the ringleader. I don’t want the little peon. I want the head.”

“Between Cash and me, we can get—”

Moon broke off to mute his phone, but when he saw it was Kendra, he accepted the call. That bitch of a mother of hers wouldn’t call him if her life depended on him answering.


“Larissa is in labor.”

A rush of fear bombarded at him. Staring at Viper and Shade, he blanked out for a moment, his mind going to all the terrible things that could happen if anything went wrong during the delivery.

“Moon?” Kendra’s voice came over the phone.

“Moon?” Viper asked, seeing his reaction.

“I’m on my way.” Feeling as if he had swallowed a frog, Moon disconnected the call.

“I need to leave. Larissa is in labor.”

Both men stared at him inquiringly when he made no move to leave.

Viper’s lips quirked into a smile. “Shade, perhaps you should drive him.”

Shade stood up to take one of the vehicle keys off the pegboard on the wall. “Let’s go. She already at the hospital?”

“No, she’s having the baby at home,” he croaked out. The event he had been looking forward to had taken on a nightmare quality.

“Brother, it’s going to be all right,” Viper sympathetically assured him.

Moon nodded, steely determination settling into his mind, clearing the fear that had struck him unexpectedly. “She will be … right after I drag her ass to the hospital.”

Moon rushed into the bedroom, only to find himself sprawled out face-first on a sheet of plastic. Stunned, he just lay there, trying to gather his scattered wits and pondering when his life had gotten so out of control.

When he raised his head, he was faced with a variety of expressions on the faces staring down at him.