Packing the food into his saddlebags, he rode home. He had enough aggravation to last him for the day. As soon as he dropped the food off, he was going to head back to the club.
When he parked his bike in the driveway, he noticed Priss wasn’t sitting her car. Leaving his food in the saddlebag while carrying the rest to the door, Moon used his elbow to ring the doorbell.
He again had to grit his teeth when he heard Priss call out to come in. He opened the door and walked down the hallway, from where he saw Larissa already sitting at the table. She had changed while he was gone.
Wearing a pretty pink robe, she looked so cute sitting there with an expectant look on her face. He felt his cock harden at how beautiful she looked with her hand resting on the baby bump, which kept her unable to pull the chair closer to the table.
He set the food down on the table before he turned to leave.
“Where are you going?” Larissa asked as she immediately started opening a bag.
Moon didn’t bother to turn around. “To get my sack.”
“Iappreciate you getting the food for me.”
“You’re welcome.” Moon sank down next to Larissa on the couch. Placing an arm over her shoulders, he pulled her closer to him. He almost told her anytime but couldn’t form the word to get it out.
Reaching around him, Larissa opened a drawer in the end table and pulled out a box of cookies.
“Would anyone like one?” she offered, taking the cookies out of the box.
“Tha—” Moon cut himself short when Lana and Priss glared at him from the dining room table, where they were still eating. “Thanks, anyway.”
“We have other flavors in the kitchen cabinet, next to the glasses. Help yourself,” Larissa told him as she took a cookie for herself.
Not wanting to dislodge her, he stayed where he was.
Lana got up from the table. Moon heard her opening a cabinet then saw her carrying two boxes of cookies toward him. “Here. Knock yourself out.” She handed him one of the boxes. “I’m going to bed. It’s been a long day.”
“Night, sis.” Larissa ate another cookie as she eyed the box Lana had given Moon. “I hate those. Are you sure you don’t want one of mine?”
“I’m sure.” Moon opened the plain tagalongs, wondering if Beth or Lily knew of anyone selling Girl Scout cookies in town.
Larissa turned on a movie as Priss cleared the table before she came out of the kitchen with a glass of milk and a box of cookies in hand, then set the milk on a coaster on the end table next to him.
“See you in the morning. Good night.”
“Good night,” Moon and Larissa replied as they ate their cookies.
“You don’t like the lemon ones?”
Larissa turned her eyes from the television. “How’d you know?”
“Wild guess.”
“I only like the s’mores. The others are only so-so.”
“Since we didn’t make it to Jamestown tonight, when do you want to go?”
“We don’t have to. Sex Piston offered to bring them tomorrow when she comes to see Killyama’s baby.”
“How’s the baby doing?”
“She’s adorable.” Larissa’s eyes went all dewy at the mention of the baby. “I barely got her away from Train to weigh her.”