Page 136 of Moon's Promise

Moon seemed bewildered at her behavior.

Larissa was at the point she didn’t care she was coming across as a loon. She wanted those freaking hamburgers.

“Have I asked you to do one thing for me since I’ve been pregnant?”

His hand on her calf stopped moving. “No …”

“The least you could do is get me those damn burgers!” she shouted at him. “I would go get them for you if you wanted them!” She wouldn’t, but he didn’t need to know that. “It’s your fault I’m pregnant, anyway!”

“How is it my fault? You snuck into my room.” Moon stared at her disbelievingly.

Larissa cried even harder when he raised his voice at her. “You’re the one who doesn’t know how to use a condom! Not me! Next time, buy a better quality! Did you buy the cheapest, thinnest ones you could?” she berated his choices.

From his expression, she could tell she had hit it on the nail.

“I didn’t buy the condoms. Wizard buys them in bulk, and I—”

“Who is Wizard?” Larissa looked at Moon wildly.

“The president of The Last Riders in the Ohio branch—”

She grabbed one of the throw pillows within reach and started pounding him with it. “I’m pregnant because you used a condom bought in bulk!” she screeched at him. “Who does that?”

Moon jerked to his feet. “They’re good condoms—”

She threw the pillow at him then flung her hand out toward him. “You got one on you now?”

She could tell from the big jerk’s face that he did.

“Let me see it.”

When he didn’t move, it sent her off into another level of fury.

“Don’t make me get up.” She stopped crying to warn him in a deathly quiet voice, “Let. Me. See. Them. Now.”

Moon looked like a deer caught in a headlight, frozen in place.

Infuriated, she lifted her foot out of the water in preparation to get off the couch.

“Dammit.” Moon reached into his back pocket for the condom and held it out to her.

Larissa stared at the packet, reading it through puffy eyes. “You son of a bitch!” she screeched. “You used an ultra-thin condom!” Throwing the condom at his face, she picked up the towel that Moon had used on his lap to cry into. “I hate men!” she sobbed. “I bet if you could get pregnant, you would have bought a name brand so thick it couldn’t be cut without a pair of scissors.”

“Larissa, calm down … let’s go get the rest of your things. I’ll stop and get—”

“Go back to the clubhouse. I’m not going anywhere with you!” She continued to sob into the towel.

“You’re going to get sick if you keep crying that way.”

“What do you care?” she hiccupped between sobs. “You want me to believe we’re in a relationship—”

“We are,” he tried to soothe her.

She lowered the towel to glare at him. “Then why are you still carrying around condoms?”

Moon stared at her speechlessly, his mouth hanging open like a damn fish.

She picked up the towel to continue crying. “Leave!”