Page 134 of Moon's Promise

“The idea was if we didn’t know, we couldn’t spill the beans to the person we’re trying to catch,” Moon objected heatedly.

Viper dropped his foot back to the floor. “Yeah, well, this has been a waste of time. We don’t know anything more than when we came in here to begin with. I’m going home to fuck my wife. Feel like doing me a solid tonight and babysit Aisha for us?”

Shade nodded. “I’ll go with you. Save you a trip to bring her to my house.”

Instead of heading to the door with Shade, Viper remained standing next to his chair. “You going to get some sleep when you get off? You look like shit.”

Moon shook his head. “Nope. Going to take Larissa to get the rest of her stuff from Sex Piston’s parents’ house.”

Viper’s mouth quirked into a smile. “I bet this is the most you’ve driven a car since you left the service.”

“You would be right.”

“I thought you swore never to ride in one again?”

“Put it this way, the end justifies the means.”

Viper stared at him seriously. “Brother, I’ve said this before, but I hope you know what you’re doing.”

Moon stared up at him just as seriously. “Brother, I hope I do, too.”


Larissa wiggled her toes in the warm water, wondering if there was any better feeling in the entire world. Her life would be perfect if she had a sack of burgers and fries from Marty’s. She should have stopped and got herself one before coming home. She glumly contemplated why the owner had to be the meanest ass in the universe; she knew she wouldn’t be getting a sack of the delicious burgers anytime soon.

For a brief couple of months, the town had enjoyed a delivery service until the driver fell in love and left. Several of the town locals had tried their hand at the delivery service and failed miserably. It wasn’t worth taking the snide comments the owner handed out, never mind the fee for napkins or ketchup packets.

“One good thing, if our clinic fails, I could always start delivering hamburgers,” she consoled herself out loud.

A knock at the front door had her reaching for her phone. She pulled up the Ring app and saw Moon at the front door.

“Come in!” she yelled, setting her phone back down on the end table.

Her smile of greeting was met with an annoyed frown plastered on Moon’s face as he walked down the entrance hall toward her.

“What’s wrong?”

“Did you forget to lock the front door?”

She thought about using “pregnancy brain” as a convenient excuse, but it would be a lie.

“I knew you were coming.”

“I don’t care if you knew I was two minutes away. You lock the fucking door,” he snapped.

Her shoulders tensed at the tone he used with her until she read the worry evident in his eyes.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you. I’ll be more careful.”

Moon looked as if she had just taken the wind out of his sails. “You are?”

Larissa nodded. “Yes.”

“Why aren’t you arguing with me?”

She shrugged. “Because you’re right.” Looking down at her feet, she started wiggling her toes again. “And … I heard about Pace.” She looked up through her lashes to catch his reaction.

Moon sighed loudly. “I was going to tell you.”