Page 127 of Moon's Promise

“What’d you find out?” Shade leaned a hip against the banister.

“They haven’t had any thefts.”

“So, the only business in town who’s had any thefts has been The Last Riders’ and the convenient store.”


He pulled a thumb drive from his pocket and tossed it to Shade. “That contains all the surveillance videos at the convenient store for the last two months.”

Shade slid the drive into his pocket. “Thanks.”

“No problem.” Moon slanted him a half smile as he took another puff. “I told you to call in ten minutes. You were late.”

Shade gave him a smile which didn’t reach his eyes.

“Thought I’d make you sweat it out for a minute.”

Taking it in stride, Shade had called late to irritate him, Moon gave him a half salute at achieving his goal. They had been trying to get the better of each other since the moment they had met. It had been going on so long Moon no longer knew who was ahead.

“You miss the good old days of getting info?”

Shaking his head, Shade leaned further back on the banister and crossed his ankles. “No. There are certain priorities which come first with the club, and then there are those that come with Lily. I keep them separate.”

“What happens when the day comes, and you can’t?”

Shade gave him a level stare. “Then that’s the day I give my cut to Viper.”

Moon knew Shade meant it without a doubt.

“The new kid’s taking a long time to take a dump, isn’t he?”

Moon frowned. “Now that you mention it, he is.”

“I’ll go check on him.”

Moon wasn’t surprised Shade had ended the brief discussion. The brother had never much been into sharing the inner workings of his mind.

He was stubbing his cigarette out when Shade returned.

“Pace isn’t in the club.”

“Where’d he go?”

“Beats me. But stay here. I’ll send a text to Viper.” He took out his cell phone. “I’m shutting the club down until we find him. He shows up after the door’s locked, he better have a damn good explanation.”

As Shade went inside, Moon heard the steel lock click in place. Taking his gun out of his jeans, he kept it in his hand, on the ready.

Over an hour passed before he heard the lock slide open and Shade and Viper both came outside.

“You find Pace?” he asked, seeing their expressions.

Viper gave a grim nod. “He’s dead.”


“Shade found him in the sauna.”

Moon swore. “What happened?”