Page 126 of Moon's Promise

“Not very. Her store in Treepoint isn’t very profitable. The one in Lexington is, though. They make a drop in Lexington before coming to Treepoint.”

“Doesn’t she worry about it getting stolen in transit?”

Chasity bit her lip as she ground herself down on his lap. “I don’t think so. I check everything in when the truck arrives. Everything’s there. If Meredith comes up short, believe me, that bitch would never let me hear the end of it.”

Moon felt moisture build on her upper lip in her excitement. He wasn’t even touching her, and she was bringing herself to a climax.

She was lowering her mouth back to his when the sound of his phone made her jump.

“Pardon me.” He reached for his phone and accepted the call.

“You’re late.” Shade’s cold voice would have poured ice water on his lust if the bitch straddling his lap hadn’t left him cold already.

Disconnecting the call, he lifted Chasity off his lap. “Sorry, going to have to postpone this. I got called into work.”

“Damn … I’m almost … Can’t you wait for a couple of minutes? It won’t take long.”

“No can do.” He stared down at her in sympathy. “You don’t get much action here, do you?”

She made a face at him. “Are you kidding? This place is Dullsville.”

“You should come hang out at The Last Riders’ clubhouse on Friday nights. Tell them Moon said you could come.”

“Are you kidding? I couldn’t be seen dead in there. Only sluts go in there.”

“Forget the invitation.” Scorn dripped off his voice as he went to the door, leaving her seated there as if she couldn’t believe he was leaving.

“You’re seriously going to leave me hanging?”

“Yep, I sure am.” Letting his eyes sweep over her scathingly, Moon didn’t sugarcoat his next words. “You’re a waste of my time. I only fuck sluts.”

Shutting the door after him, Moon walked to his motorcycle to the sounds of glass being smashed against a wall.

He rode back to the club without making any more stops along the way.

Once there, taking the steps two at a time, he greeted Puck, who was on guard duty. “When did you get here?”

Puck yawned as he opened the door. “About an hour ago.”

“How’d you end up with guard duty?”

“New recruit had to take a dump. He caught me as I was heading upstairs.”

Instead of going inside, Moon gestured for him to go ahead.

“Get some sleep. I’ll tag you out until he comes back.”

Puck nodded. “Thanks, brah.”

“If you see Shade, tell him I’m out here.”

“Sure thing.” Puck closed the door behind him.

He had just lit a cigarette when Shade walked out.

“Where’s Pace?”

Moon took a hit off his cigarette. “Taking a dump.”