Page 124 of Moon's Promise

“I don’t know what to say.” Relaxing into his arms, she searched his eyes. “I would like that, too.”

Moon’s hand came up to tuck a loose strand of hair behind her ear. His touch was so gentle that barrier after barrier she had been hiding behind dropped, leaving her heart wide open.

“Say, I’ll give it a whirl,” he teased.

“I’ll give it a whirl.”

His hand slid to the back of her neck. “I’ll have to tell the brothers that I have an old lady when I go back to the club.”

“I’m not that old.”

“It means you belong to me.”


“Yeah, oh.” He laughed then grew serious. “Of course, that means I belong to you.”

“Okay.” Unaccustomed to talking so candidly with a man about their relationship, she shyly was unable to hold his heated gaze for long.

Her eyes went to the door when she heard Priss yelling the pizza was done. “We should go eat,” she suggested.

“I would rather feed another appetite, but I guess it would be safer to go eat. I don’t want Priss interrupting.”

“Me neither.”

Moon released her from his arms to open the door for her. Jokingly, he bowed, giving a gallant downward wave, indicating for her to go first. “My lady.”

Larissa couldn’t help the silly giggle that escaped as she passed him. “Thank you, kind sir.” Feeling as if she was walking on cloud nine, she walked down the stairs.

The day had just gotten better and better as it progressed. Just when she had thought Moon would make sure she hadn’t taken last night seriously, he made her feel as if she were the one who didn’t want a commitment. Wow. Her mind was blown away with how gentlemanly he was treating her. He appeared shaken at being called Fred Flintstone. Bless his heart. She bet he had been raised by a single mother and was conscious of the trials and tribulations women deal with every day.

Still, as she came off the bottom step, a worrying thought trailed her into the kitchen.

What if she had played right into his hands?


Moon drove away from his house after finishing dinner. He didn’t want to be hanging around when Lana got off, not wanting to give them any reason not to move into the house.

When he stopped at a red light, he felt his cell phone vibrate in his back pocket. He took it out, read the message, then responded. The reply came back before he could repocket the cell phone. He read the text and memorized the address.

Once the light turned green, Moon headed toward the address. When he pulled into the driveway, he saw the front door light was on.

Parking his bike, he ambled over to the door to knock on it with his knuckles.

The door swung open as if she had been watching for him.

“Hi.” The clerk from the baby store brazenly stood in the doorway with black satin shorts and a matching mesh top.

His eyes dropped to the two nipples peeking out of the mesh. “Hi.” He grinned. “Nice outfit.”

“I thought you would appreciate it.”

His hands went to her waist. Lifting her up, he stepped inside the house, slamming the door shut with his foot.

Seductively rubbing her breasts against his chest, she buried her long nails in his hair. Moon kissed her parted mouth, thrusting his tongue inside. When she would have tried to slide hers inside of his, he pulled back.

“Shouldn’t we introduce ourselves?”