“Good night, Moon.”
She went back to the bathroom, where she took a warm shower, luxuriating in the warmth of the water and feeling the awkward tension drain off her now that she was away from Moon’s alluring body.
The whole time they had been building the crib, she had forced herself to keep her gaze away from him. Every movement he made drew her eyes like a magnet, making her want to try every dirty sexual act she could think of with him. Her shocking thoughts made her work on the crib harder just to get the thing done and her out of the close confines of being near him.
Turning the water off, she towel-dried before slipping on the gray T-shirt. Then she rinsed out her underwear with plain soap and hung them over the towel rack before going to bed.
She lay down and closed her eyes, exhausted. Yawning, she was about to fall asleep when she felt a tightening in her lower calf.
The familiar feeling made her prepare herself for the coming pain. Even though she tried to keep from crying out, the excruciating pain made it impossible. She sat up in bed, then shifted to raise one leg to start massaging her calf.
A knock on the door and Moon calling her name had her gasping out for him to come in.
Moon took one glance and immediately hurried to her side. “Muscle spasm?”
“Yes,” she gasped out.
Taking over massaging her leg, Moon sat down on the bed next to her. He rested her leg on his lap, then pressed down on the tight muscle with his thumb, massaging the bunched-up muscle.
“That feels so good.” The muscle relaxing had her head falling to his shoulder. “I hate charley horses.”
“Me, too. Sometimes I get them when I work out too hard.”
“I had a couple last week. I’ll get Lana do some bloodwork tomorrow to make sure there isn’t a reason.”
“I’ll call in tomorrow.”
“There’s no need. I only get them at night when I’m in bed.”
“I don’t care. I won’t have you driving until we make sure there isn’t something going on,” he said curtly. “I’m not going to take a chance anything will happen to you.”
Larissa lifted her head. “Don’t you mean the baby?” she said jokingly, trying to ignore the fire running up her leg and him being just inches away from where she really wanted his fingers to go.
Moon frowned at her. “I meant you.”
Her amusement faded. “I was just teasing.”
His eyes bore into hers. “I don’t consider your health something to joke about.”
“I won’t tease you again,” she promised solemnly.
His hand curved around the underpart of her knee, the seductive sensation making her bunch the blanket under her hands to keep from touching him.
“I’m not opposed to you teasing me … just don’t expect me not to take the bait.”
The hand on her calf tightened as Moon leaned forward, closing the small distance separating them. She knew he was going to kiss her from the sultry way he was looking at her.
Larissa’s mind screamed at her to move away, yet her body seemed unable to follow the command.
When Moon’s lips touched hers, she knew it was too late. Like his namesake, Moon had pulled her into his orbit, and there was no escape.
When his tongue parted her lips, her hands gripped his shoulders with the clear intention of making him stop, but her good intentions went out the door at the liquid fire consuming any rational thought that tried to make her realize what a terrible mistake she was about to make.
Her hands moved from his shoulder to his hair, tugging him closer.
You’ve lost your mind, she told herself as she willingly let him use her leg to slide her further down on the bed and found herself being pushed back onto the mattress. There was no doubt in her mind how Moon had gotten his nickname—she was seriously seeing stars behind her closed lids.