“I’m sure. I didn’t really have any other plans for the rest of the afternoon,” she admitted.
“Cool. Let me get a chair, and you can keep me company. I’ll be right back.”
Larissa stared at the unfurnished bedroom, already regretting the decision not to ask Moon to drive her back to Jamestown. His boyish enthusiasm had snuck under her guard.
Her hand moved to lovingly stroke her distended abdomen at the fluttery kicks she felt from within. “Shh, little one, Mama’s okay,” she softly murmured, sensing the baby was feeling the tumultuous emotions going on within her body.
She would text Priss and check when her last appointment was and get her to drive her back to Jamestown. Moon might or might not be putting on a charade for her, but until she knew for sure, it was safer not risk the chance of another kiss. She would keep her distance and keep their conversation light until Priss was able to come and get her.
She texted Priss and was relieved when her sister texted her back that she could pick her up in a couple of hours.
Just two hours. I can do this, she told herself. All she had to do was ignore the way her heart skipped a beat every time he smiled at her, and the warmth flooding when he moved his muscular body in a particular way. God, did you have to make him so damn sexy? she ranted inwardly. And lastly, whatever she did, she wasn’t going within one inch of his mouth, despite how badly she wanted to kiss him again.
I’ve got this. She gave her baby bump another reassuring pat.
Startled, she glanced down at her stomach, at the strong kick she had received. Was she being ridiculous, or was the baby trying to warn her to leave?
Feeling silly, she brushed it off. Her confused emotions over Moon made her create mountains out of molehills.
Neither of them had mentioned the kiss they had shared, leaving her confused on how he really felt about her. She had never really been good at deciphering a man’s behavior. At this stage of her life, she had never imagined herself to be as nervous as a teenager over whether a man was attracted to her or not. Unfortunately, she didn’t have the experience to pick up subtle clues other women could easily read to lessen her anxiety. Coming to the only conclusion she could, only time would tell.
Larissa felt a spurt of satisfaction when she reached out to jiggle the crib and it remained steady.
“I think it’s good now.”
Moon wadded the paper directions into a ball before shoving it into the empty box. “Good thing I was able to convince you to stay and help me rather than going out to eat with your sister, or I’d still be working on that death trap.” Giving her a peeved look, he continued picking up the protective packing for the crib.
Amused at the way he was acting, she handed him a piece of foam he had missed. “It wasn’t a death trap.”
“The way I put it together was an accident waiting to happen. Those were the worst instructions I’ve ever read, and I still say they had the illustrations mislabeled.”
They weren’t, but she didn’t argue. His pride had taken enough of hit for the night.
“Since I made you lose out having dinner at King’s, I’ll make you something to eat.”
“No, you don’t have to. I’ll grab something when I get back in Jamestown.”
“I’m hungry, too. Besides”—walking to the doorway, he gave her a sheepish glance—“I ordered pizza. It should be here in a few minutes.”
A slight rumbling sound came from her stomach at the mention of pizza.
“How can I argue?” She laughed. “I guess the baby is hungry, too.”
“Great. I’ll just take out the box to the garage.”
She headed downstairs with Moon, then went into the kitchen to make them drinks while he carried out the box. She had just set the glasses on the counter when she heard the doorbell ring.
“I’ll get it,” Moon said, coming back from the garage.
She opened a cabinet, took out a couple of plates, and set them next to the glasses.
“Dinner is served,” Moon joked as he walked into the kitchen.
The aroma caused her stomach to growl again. “I didn’t realize how hungry I was.”
She started debating the easiest way to maneuver herself onto the tall chair at the counter, when Moon bypassed the counter and carried the pizza to the dining room table.