“Yes, that’s how I figured out you were pregnant.”
Larissa started laughing.
“What’s so funny?”
She had to wipe her tears away from her eyes. “You don’t get it?” she asked, gurgling on her laughter.
“No … Should I …? Damn.”
She could tell by the tone in his voice that he must have figured out Priss’ deception.
“Your sister texted me the wrong gender.”
“I think so.”
“We’re having a girl?”
“That’s not cool.”
“Well, to be fair, you telling me in the first place wasn’t fair.”
“No, it wasn’t,” he admitted. “It also means I’ve done it twice.”
“Don’t worry about it. With my family’s track record, it was a foregone conclusion I was going to have a girl. Are you disappointed about not having a boy?”
“Not really. I’m like you—the most important part is I want them healthy. Though, I will be on the outlook for any sneaky behavior her aunts might teach her.”
The rest of the way back to Jamestown, they talked about the movie they had seen.
When they arrived back at where she was staying, Larissa was sorry to see the evening end. He had been considerate and attentive the whole evening. Having a man like Moon wanting to spend time with her was as heady as wine.
“Thank you for bringing me back.”
“No problem. The least I could do for letting me tag along. When do you want to go shopping?”
“Does Saturday work for you?”
“Yes, it does. I’ll know by then if my offer was accepted.”
“Are you going to miss living in the clubhouse?”
“No, not all the brothers live in the club.”
“Will you still be going back and forth between Treepoint and Ohio?”
“No. I only seesawed between the two because I didn’t have anything holding me in place.”
“Now you do?”
“Of course. I don’t plan on being an absent father.”
Larissa let out a small gasp.
“What’s wrong?”