Page 97 of Moon's Promise

Worried, she looked in the side mirror as they pulled out of the parking lot. What would she do if he didn’t take her back to Jamestown like he said he would?

“I have no intention of kidnapping you.”

Some of the tension began to ease out of her, allowing her to somewhat relax.

“I want to apologize for the way I acted today, and yesterday.”

Suspicious, Larissa turned her gaze from the window as he talked.

“When I imagined myself becoming a father, this isn’t how I thought it would go.”

She could hear the truth in his words.

“Me neither,” she said softly.

“I’ve been taking it out on you, which I shouldn’t have done. I’m sorry.”

Larissa stared down at her hands. “I’m sorry, too. We wouldn’t have been in this position if I had been honest.”

Moon flicked on the blinker then turned onto the long stretch of road that would take them to Jamestown.

When she checked the side mirror again, Larissa saw Jet was following behind them.

“I don’t know about that.” Moon took his eyes off the road, giving her an amused glance. “We would still have had sex. The only difference would have been is that I would have known the correct name to call you.”

The drastic change in the way he was speaking to her raised her guard up. What had brought the sudden change?

“Do you mind me asking: why did you decide to apologize in less than thirty minutes?”

“You can ask me anything,” he offered. “To answer your question, you can thank Jet.”


“He let me have it for spoiling the surprise we’re having a boy.”

“Like you said, none of this is how we imagined.”

Regret filled his eyes. “I was a damn jackass. I’m really sorry. When you didn’t look at the ultrasound and didn’t want a picture, I assumed you didn’t care enough because I was the father.”

Larissa sucked in a surprised breath at the revelation.

“Jet was a hell of a lot smarter than me. He said it was because you would have been able to see the baby was a boy or a girl.”

His apology relieved some of the sting he had inflicted by his action.

“I would have.”

“I’m an idiot. I also don’t want you looking at me like you did at lunch. I was fixing your glass so it wouldn’t spill over.”

“I realized that. I overreacted. I’m sorry.”

“Whew …” Moon gave her a quick amused glance before switching his gaze back to the road. “It’s a good thing for me that it takes nine months for a baby to be born; it’s taken me this long to get my head on straight. Until the time he gets here, I’m going to work on us becoming friends … with your help, of course.”

Uncertainly flooded her. She wanted to believe he was being honest with her, yet her inner voice was shouting it was just for show.

“Moon, you don’t have to put on a pretense for me. I know you won’t believe this, but I truly have no desire to keep you away from your child. You don’t have to put on a front for me,” Larissa told him sincerely. “I might not have shown it, but I’m truly a sensible person. The craziest thing I’ve ever done in my life was open your bedroom door. Since then, I’ve made one mistake after another. I really don’t want to make any more. I would like for us to become friends, if the offer is genuine.”

“That goes both ways. I have to chance you’re being just as front up as I’m being.”