Page 232 of Moon's Promise

“I’m going to catch you,” he promised. “Baby, we have to get you out of here.”


Reaper pulled out a knife and cut a hole to deflate the airbag. Moon expected the car to plunge down the mountain at any second as Reaper then leaned inside to grab Charles, tugging his limp body toward Gundy enough that Moon could press the release to fold the front seat forward.

“Are you ready?” Moon gave her an encouraging smile. They were both aware of the perilous position they were in. “I’m going to get you off this fucking mountain. I swear.”

“I’m ready.”

Moon was proud at how calm she sounded. Bracing himself as best as he could, he prepared to catch her as Larissa’s fingers went to the latch of the seat belt. With his heart in his throat, Moon then caught her by the waist when she dropped as the seat belt strap snapped free.

While the car started rocking dangerously, he used all his strength to pull Larissa out of the window. He actually thought they were going to make it when her feet cleared. Then horror filled him when the tree he had braced himself on gave a loud snap!

The tree splintered, breaking off into large pieces, which went tumbling down the mountainside. Dislodged, the Camaro went spiraling after the pieces of tree trunk. When he lost the tree’s support, Moon grappled for something to hold on to.

He threw himself and Larissa to the side of the mountain and saw a rock poking out of the ground.

A scream came out of Larissa at the force of the landing. Holding her against him, Moon was unable to move with the air knocked out of him, gripping the rock like a lifeline, aware if it became loose, Larissa and he didn’t have anything else to save them.

He gasped for air when he was finally able to make his lungs function again, and his eyes went to Larissa to reassure her, only to find her unconscious. Unable to determine if she had struck her head or had fainted, he started searching for a better hold.

“Let me take her,” Reaper spoke from his side. He had managed to find an outcropping of rocks and was holding out his arms for Larissa.

Moon shook his head.

“Brother, listen to me.” Reaper stared at him, determination on his harsh features. “Where you are isn’t stable. Give me Larissa and grab the rope.”

Moon stared at Larissa’s pale face resting limply on his shoulder. “I can’t.”

“Brother, trust me. I won’t let you down. You asked me to be your backup. Was all that bullshit? Trust me now. You can’t save her alone; you’re gonna get both of you killed. Give her to me.”

It took everything in him to hand Larissa over to Reaper. Then, grabbing the rope, Moon felt himself being lifted upward. When he reached the top, Keller and Rider grabbed him by the arms and lifted him over the edge.

Greer had The Last Riders standing on the road, away from the ledge. Taking a quick scan, Moon saw Shade standing by the patrol car, holding Jace.

Finding Jace was in good hands, he went to the edge of the mountain, dropping to his knees and preparing to go back down to help with Larissa.

What he found humbled him, and any idea that he wasn’t as important as any of the other brothers melted away.

Reaper had wrapped the rope around both Larissa and him as Viper, Razer, Lucky, Puck, Jesus, and Knox pulled them up. What humbled him was the amount of Last Riders who had scaled down the mountainside so if Reaper lost his grip, there would be a Last Rider on each side of him to make sure they reached safety.

Moon didn’t release his breath until Reaper’s feet were on solid ground. Shaken to his core that they hadn’t died, he held his arms out.

Reaper placed Larissa into his arms, then stepped away, as well as the other Last Riders, yet they remained standing close by.

Moon enfolded Larissa into his arms and buried his face in her neck. “I love you.” His shoulders heaved with emotions. “I swear I’m never letting you leave the house ever again. It’s too dangerous to let you out on your own.” Tears fell from his eyes. “That’s twice now you’ve taken ten years off my life. Only you could go out for a fucking hamburger and manage to nearly get killed.”

“To be fair”—Larissa lifted her arms to circle his neck—“neither of those close calls were my fault.”

Raising his head, he stared at the woman he loved more than life. “Did you hear me tell you I love you?”

She gave him a winsome smile. “Oh yes, I heard you, and so did all of The Last Riders and most of Treepoint.”

“I was afraid I was going to lose you, and I wanted you to know in case we didn’t make it.”

She rubbed her cheek against his chest, and her arms tightened around his neck. “That’s so sweet you wanted me to know you loved me before I died.”

Moon shook his head. “No, that isn’t why I wanted you to know.”