Page 110 of Moon's Promise

“I didn’t think of that.” Ashamed at herself, she glanced away from Moon. “I’m not usually such a Negative Nancy.”

“It’s cool.” As he opened the car door for her, the smile he gave her reminded her of the one he had given the salesclerk.

She got in the SUV and waited as Moon went back inside the children’s boutique. Scrolling on her phone to keep herself from imagining Moon talking to the clerk without her presence made the wait drag by.

After fifteen minutes, she wanted nothing more than to call Lana or Priss to pick her up. Not willing to make a fool of herself twice in the same day, she remained sitting in the car, promising herself it would be the last outing with Moon. Other than the baby appointments, there was no need for them to spend time together.

Once she came to the stark conclusion, Larissa found it easier to wait patiently and was even able to give Moon a nonchalant smile when he got in the car after loading the purchases in the back.

“Sorry it took so long. The clerk wasn’t able to find the key to the storeroom where the dolly was kept. She had to call the manager.”

“No problem. I was able to take care of a few emails.” Brushing off his apology made her feel more in control than she had in a long time.

Larissa didn’t understand the strange look Moon gave her.

Glancing back at the huge mound of purchases he had crammed into the SUV, Larissa shook her head at him. “You’re spoiling her before she’s even been born.”

“Start as you mean to go on.”

“I hope you’re joking.”

“I am.”

Ignoring the boyish appealing way he was teasing her, she steeled herself to withstand the insidious way he managed to slip under the barriers she was attempting to barricade herself behind.

“Mind if I drop this load off before I drive you back to Jamestown?”

“Go ahead.”

“Any news from Drake about the possibility of getting a home in the subdivision you wanted?”

“Yes. He called yesterday. Seems the developer has run into financing problems and is offering to sell me one of the model homes.”

“Is it the size you want?”

“Slightly larger. Three bedrooms, three baths, and office space I can use as a bedroom. Luckily, I pre-qualified when I started looking for a home when I first moved to Treepoint. I made an offer, and they accepted.”


“Thank you. The house will be big enough for my sisters and me to live in without us tripping over each other.”

“I’m glad you’ll be so close to my home. It’ll make it so much easier for us.”

Unable to help herself, she laid a hand on his arm. “Thank you, Moon,” she said simply.

He darted her a quick glance. “For what?”

“For making this easier for me. My greatest fear was raising our baby while we’re in a tug of war between us. I didn’t want that for the baby, or us either,” she confessed. “It’s a war neither of us could win.”

“No, it wouldn’t be,” he agreed with a grim edge to his voice.

She nervously running her hand down her jean clad thigh as she peered out the window, realizing they weren’t going to The Last Riders’ clubhouse.

“I thought you were dropping the baby items off?”

“We are. I closed on my new house yesterday.”

Her head snapped toward him. “That was quick.”