Page 11 of Moon's Promise

“Is there another restroom I could use?”

“Um …” Winter’s gaze turned apologetic. “Sorry, but …”

Larissa gritted her teeth, feeling as if her bladder would explode any second.

Winter’s gaze softened into compassion. “Sure. Come on; I’ll show you.”

Hurriedly following Winter up the steps, Larissa prayed she would make it in time. This is what you get when you put off going to the bathroom until your bladder is ready to burst, Larissa scolded herself.

“Here you go.” Winter opened a door near the end of a long hallway. Turning the light on, she moved aside so Larissa could enter.

A loud yell from downstairs and a crash had her and Winter staring at each other. Larissa recognized the woman’s yell.

“That was Crazy Bitch …” Winter moaned.

“Yes … I think so, too.”

“Viper is going to kill me.”

Larissa wanted to know what happened downstairs, but she needed to use the restroom first.

“I need to go see what she did. Can you find your way back downstairs?”

“Of course.”

“Okay …” Winter seemed to hesitate before moving out of the way so she could close the door. “Just make sure you come right back downstairs. Guests aren’t allowed upstairs unless they have a club member with them,” she explained.

“I won’t be long.”

“All right, I’ll see you downstairs.” Winter rushed off at another loud crash that Larissa could have sworn had the house shaking on its foundation.

Larissa closed and locked the door before she relieved her aching bladder.

Poor Winter. From her expression, Larissa surmised Viper was not going to happy about the impromptu party in The Last Riders’ clubhouse. The way they had to wait in the car until Winter had come to the end of the porch and waved before everyone got out of their cars and into the house reminded her of the time her sisters and her had thrown a party when their mother was at work.

As she washed her hands, Larissa decided she would grab Lana and Priscilla if they were out of the restroom and leave. She really didn’t want to get caught in the middle of an argument if Winter’s husband showed up and found his club had been invaded by a group of women who were drunk off their asses.

When she left the restroom, she noticed one the doors along the hallway was open and the light was on. There was no way to get to the stairway without passing the open doorway. Remembering Winter saying no one was allowed upstairs without a club member accompanying them, she hoped to rush past and hit the stairs before whoever was inside caught her.

As she passed the open door, she cast a quick glance inside, nearly stumbling over her own two feet when she saw a couple inside having intercourse. The man was lying on his back, and the woman was grinding herself up and down on his shaft. The woman’s back was toward her and blocking her sight of the man as she stood there, gawking at them.

The uninhibited way they were having sex shocked her. Plus the fact that they had left the door wide open, uncaring if anyone could see what they were doing. Since she had never been around any bikers personally, the only impressions she had of them came from the news, or books. Both conveyed they were wild, violent, and sexually easy, but Larissa, nor neither of her sisters, based their opinions on anything other than how they were treated. One thing was for sure: she would be giving Lana a heads-up before she went pursuing the man from the bar.

As she stood frozen in place, her heart lurched when she noticed a door next to the one she was staring in begin to open.

Blankly, she watched as the door started to open wider. Then, like an anxious rabbit caught in a headlight, she reacted without thinking.

Frantically, she spotted a door on the other side the hallway that was partially open with the lights off, and she rushed inside and closed the door behind her.

Pressing her face to the door, she listened for who had come out the bedroom to leave so she could make her way back downstairs.

“Do me a favor and take my boots off.”

Larissa barely managed to cut off the gasp of dismay with her hand at the low voice coming from behind her.

Frozen in place yet again, she lowered her hand from her mouth to the doorknob.

“Come on.” His grave voice sent tingles down her spine.