Juliet’s frown lines deepened. “Paige, we don’t have time for this. Not now. We have friends waiting outside for us.”
Paige scoffed. Did Juliet really think she was about to pull a Rachel on her and have her way with her against the office door? “You’re worth far more than a quick fuck in the office, babe. Just close the door, please. I need to speak to you.”
Juliet softened, closing the door slowly. “Paige, what’s going on?”
“I’m going to ask you the same thing.”
“I’m sorry?”
Paige took Juliet’s hand. “You’ve been really quiet tonight. That’s not like you. If something is bothering you, then I need to know.”
“I just feel out of sorts. You’re going away, we’re about to start building work, and I feel a little off.”
Paige nodded slowly. She’d suspected it had something to do with the tour. But Juliet hadn’t felt this way last time. Yes, she’d panicked and missed Paige, but she wasn’t quiet beforehand. “It’s just another month.”
“I know. I told you this morning not to worry about me. I just miss you when you go.”
“And I miss you when I go, too.” Paige lifted Juliet’s hand and kissed her knuckles. “You do know that, don’t you?”
“Of course I do.”
“Then why did you ask me before if I was all yours…forever?” Paige searched Juliet’s eyes, knowing she had something on her mind. She could always tell. Juliet was wasting her time trying to hide it. This felt like more than simply missing Paige when she left. “Babe?”
“You know I’m proud of you, and you know I only want you to be happy,” Juliet said, her voice trembling. “I just have a bad feeling that one day, this will all be too much for you. For…us.”
“Too much? You do realise I’m only her support act, don’t you?”
“You’re so much more than a support act. One day, it’ll be you looking for a support act. And when that day comes, I’ll be the proudest woman in the world.”
“Okay and say that day did happen. Hypothetically.” That day wouldn’t arrive. Paige was quite content with being the support act. What she wanted was to be here with Juliet…taking care of the bar. A normal life doing normal things. “What’s the issue with that?”
“Oh, Paige. There’s no issue with that. None at all.” Juliet squeezed Paige’s hand, smiling weakly. “But it would be an entirely new chapter for you. I don’t want to become a hindrance. I don’t want to imagine for one second that you feel torn because you had a life here…and a life potentially on the road. It would be your time to explore and travel the world.”
Paige’s stomach roiled at that. Was Juliet insinuating that Paige wouldn’t want to be with her anymore? God, that thought alone had Paige wanting to cancel the upcoming tour with Soraya. Everything Juliet was saying had rendered her speechless.
“If it did happen, I couldn’t blame you for that. You’re already on your way to success, Paige. Just think of the opportunities and the people you’ll meet.”
“I had my opportunity. I met the person I wanted to meet. And that’s you, Juliet. I don’t give a fuck who is out there. It’s you, okay?”
“I know.” Juliet drew Paige in, kissing her slowly. Her lips would never not feel good against Paige’s. They reminded her of the safety and comfort that came with this relationship. They reminded Paige of…home. Here, where she belonged. “I just want you to know that it’s okay if things change and this doesn’t work for you anymore. If you had to choose between a shitty bar in Liverpool or world tours…there’s no competition.”
Paige swallowed as she slowly took a step back. The last thing she expected tonight—after agreeing and signing off on plans with Juliet for the future of the bar—was to be given an out. At least, that’s what it felt like was happening here. “Right.”
“Things change, Paige. People change, and life can turn in a split second. All I want for you is happiness. Whether that is with or without me is irrelevant.”
“Y-you think you’re irrelevant?” What the hell was going on here tonight? “You really think that?”
“No, that’s not what I’m saying. God, I’m getting this all wrong.” Juliet’s shoulders slumped. “You know what, it doesn’t matter. What will be will be.”
Paige wanted to vomit every time Juliet spoke. This was so far from what she had planned tonight. Drinks with friends, the woman she loved, then home to their place. Not…this. Not Juliet contemplating their future. As far as Paige was concerned, their future was set in stone. “I think we need to discuss this properly. Not here, not now.” Paige had a million and one plans she wanted to make with Juliet. She didn’t want to think about something ending when it couldn’t possibly. “Can we just enjoy the rest of the night with our friends?”
“I’d like that.”
“And then go home to the place where we live…and love? Just you and I.”
“Paige, I’m not saying this is ending. God, I don’t see my future with anyone but you. I just think it’s sensible to put it out there because I don’t want you to feel stuck one day.”
“The one thing I’ve never felt with you is stuck.” Paige opened the office door and guided Juliet towards it. “I have plans for us, babe. Plans that mean nothing at all unless you’re involved.”