Paige turned at the sound of Hannah’s voice. Caz rushed behind her, her lip quivering.
“Where is she? Is she going to be okay?” Hannah wrung her hands as she stopped in front of Paige. “W-who would do something like this?”
“Henry is dealing with that.” As far as Paige was aware, Juliet hadn’t told Hannah and Caz about her issues before she took retirement. That was Juliet’s choice alone, but in order for people to make sense of this, they would have to know at some point. “Is Edie okay?”
“She’s with her friend. I haven’t told her anything, it’ll only panic her.”
Paige nodded. Edie didn’t need to know the shit they were about to go through. “Good idea.”
“Have you eaten?” Caz cut in, placing a supportive hand on Paige’s back. “Or had something to drink?”
“No. I can’t stomach anything.”
“Understandable, but you’re going to have to keep your hydration up at least. Juliet wouldn’t want you to sit here barely functioning or making yourself ill.”
“Caz is right. I’ll go and get some drinks. Hot and cold. You sit down before you fall down.” Hannah kissed Caz on the cheek, an unspoken expectation that Caz would take care of Paige while Hannah was gone. “If you need me, just call me.”
Caz guided Paige to a row of seats, helping her into one. She felt weak, but it wasn’t because of the lack of food. She just felt weak all over. As though someone had come along and sucked the life out of her. “She was dying in my arms, Caz.”
Caz lowered her eyes and shook her head.
Yeah, Paige understood. There was nothing to say to that.
“If I hadn’t got there when I did, I wouldn’t be waiting for news, I’d be…s-she’d be…”
“I know.” Caz took Paige’s hand, settling her mind momentarily. “I know what you’re saying. But you did get there in time. You’ve saved her life.”
“I just keep picturing the surgeon coming out and telling me she didn’t make it. I-if they do that, would you and Hannah stay with me? I won’t know what to do. Or who to call.”
“Paige, she’s in safe hands. She’s going to be okay.”
The double doors at the end of the corridor opened, and the same surgeon who had met them on arrival walked towards Paige. “Hi, Paige.”
Paige stood on shaking legs, supported in a split second by Caz, who held her by the waist.
“Juliet is in the ICU. It was touch and go at one point, and we ran into a complication, but she’s doing much better. She’s stable. The next few days are going to be important, but I believe…given her health, that she’s going to make a full recovery. She just needs some extra attention in the coming days.”
Paige dropped to her knees and sobbed into her hands. Juliet wasn’t going to die. She’d prepared herself for exactly that, but…she was going to be okay. Caz helped her back up to her feet, hugging her briefly.
“I have two detectives outside who want to speak to you, but I can ask them to come back later. It’s entirely up to you. Personally, I’m not sure you’re in the right frame of mind to talk to them…”
“Can you ask them to come back?”
“Of course.”
“And, um…” Paige scratched at her arm. “When can I see her? She won’t want to be on her own. I’ve been away on tour for the last month, so I’d really like to be with her the moment it’s possible.”
“Visiting hours in the ICU are generally more flexible. I’ll have a nurse come and get you once I’m satisfied Juliet is comfortable.”
Paige sniffled. “Thank you. I wasn’t sure you would even let me see her.”
The surgeon, Dr Nunez, if Paige recalled right, frowned. “Why not?”
“We’ve been together for like…fifteen months, but, you know, I’m probably not anything to her legally.”
“You’re Paige Ashburn, correct?”