Page 37 of Any Kind of Life

“It’s just a thought.”

“Mm. It’s something I’d have to think about. I’m not comfortable leaving you with no security.”

Juliet appreciated that. She was grateful for everything Henry had done since she quit law. Still, she did believe that she was safe. Surely, someone would have done something by now if they wanted to. She had been out of her career for almost two years. “Maybe we could trial it.”

“Maybe I’ll just keep doing my job. You’re free to pretend I’m not around, but I’d prefer to keep doing what I’ve been doing. Just in case, you know?”

Juliet nodded as her phone started to ring. Paige’s name was displayed on the screen. She held up a finger and answered the call. “Hi.”

“Hi, babe. How are you?”

Much improved now she had heard Paige’s voice. “I’m good. Just having coffee with Henry.”

“Oh! Say hi to him for me.”

“I will. Are you travelling today?” Juliet looked towards the window, sighing. “The weather seems nice, so I hope it’s the same wherever you are.”

“We’ve been travelling since this morning. I’ve just checked into my hotel close to the venue, and I was wondering what plans you have for the day?”

“Nothing planned. Maybe I’ll do some cleaning, even though I did that yesterday…and the day before.”

Paige laughed. “Or maybe you could get into the car and drive to Manchester. I only have a soundcheck to go, so maybe we could have lunch together…”

Juliet grinned, wanting to rush down to her car immediately. “I’d love to. What time?”

“Whenever you get here, really. The sooner, the better, so I can spend more time with you.”

Juliet rose to her feet and took her coffee cup to the sink. “Let me make myself look presentable, and then I’ll be there. Give me an hour or so, depending on traffic.”

“No problem, babe. I’ll text you the address of the restaurant, okay?”

“Perfect. I’ll see you soon.”

Paige sighed. “You will. Drive safe. I love you.”

“I love you, too.” Juliet ended the call and turned to Henry. “So, I have an unexpected lunch date. Sorry to cut this short, but Paige has a soundcheck at some point, and I’d like to get there before she gets called away again.”

Henry held up his hands. “Don’t worry about it. You have to take whatever you can get. I’ll follow you.”

“No, you don’t need to do that. I’ll be okay.”

Henry narrowed his eyes. “Jules?—”

“Please. Let’s just see how things go. I’ll be in my car and then at a packed restaurant. I’m almost certain whoever sent that threat has found far more important things to take care of.”

“Okay, well, I’ll have my phone just in case you need anything. If you see anything that looks off, you call me.”

“I will.” Juliet rushed towards the bedroom door. “You’ll be okay seeing yourself out?”

Henry took his cup into the kitchen and placed it in the sink next to Juliet’s. “Absolutely. Send me a text when you’re back, and I’ll be outside.”

Instead of arguing with Henry about all of this guarding, Juliet simply nodded and closed her bedroom door. She did believe she was far safer now than she had been when she retired from law, but she also understood Henry’s discomfort on the matter. Still, it wasn’t important right now. She had a girlfriend to get to, and she planned to get there soon.

Maybe you could sneak an overnight bag into the car…

Paige paced back and forth, scanning the street for any signs of Juliet’s car. Part of her had expected Juliet to be unavailable—The Hideout was really taking shape, and things were moving at a much faster pace—but she was coming. Paige would see her in mere moments, and she couldn’t wait.

She eyed the time on her phone, puffing out her cheeks. Should she call and see what the hold-up was? Should she check for any roadworks on the traffic app? As she unlocked her phone, a familiar car pulled up in front of her. Paige beamed a smile, unable to take her eyes off Juliet as she cut the engine and exited her car.