Page 36 of Any Kind of Life

“Nobody knows I exist in Paige’s world. As far as everyone is aware, she’s single.”

“And you want people to know she’s involved.” Caz nodded slowly. “Have you spoken to her about that?”

“Yes. She says she’s protecting me. Though, I don’t know what from. I’ve been in the papers and all over the internet many times in the past. Usually because of some bastard I was representing, but still.”

“Do you…want to be seen in the papers or online?”

“Not particularly. Nor do I want Paige to do anything she doesn’t want to do. I’ve avoided social media since it happened, and I only get alerted when Paige rarely posts something specifically now. I don’t need to see those things. I know Paige would never do anything to hurt me.”

“Still, it’s not very nice to see, I’d imagine.”

Juliet lowered her eyes to her lap. “No, it’s not. Especially when she’s miles away, and I’m stuck here in my own head.”

“And I think that’s the problem. Being stuck in your own head. I’ve been there myself, and it’s not a pleasant place to be.” Caz sighed. “Paige knows how you feel, and you know that everything is okay between you. In another week or so, this will all be over, and the four of us will be getting ready for a night out at the bar. Your new, snazzy, sexy bar.”

Juliet beamed a smile. “It’s going to look amazing. The floor alone has cost a fortune.”

“It’ll all be worth it. You already have a membership waiting list, don’t you?”

Juliet finished her wine and got to her feet. “I do. One that seems to be growing. It’s a good job I kept Cara on and brought Stephen in, too. Paige and I couldn’t possibly manage alone. We’d never see one another.”

“Cara seems nice. I haven’t had much of a chance to speak to Stephen yet, but I’m sure he’s great. You’re far from stupid when it comes to employing people.”

Juliet thought back on the early days of The Hideout. A lot had changed. For the better. “It was touch and go with Cara at one point. I wasn’t sure it would work out.”

“Oh?” Caz held out her glass when Juliet brought the bottle from the kitchen. “Why?”

“She was a little abrasive when she joined us. Then she tried it on once or twice with both me and Paige.” Juliet laughed. Those days seemed like a million years ago now. “But in the last several months, she’s really stepped up. Paige and I get days off together now because Cara finally decided to use the managerial skills that I employed her for.”

“Interesting.” Caz narrowed her eyes, then shook her head. “She was probably just trying her luck.”

“Mm.” Juliet nodded as she sunk back down onto the couch. She couldn’t find a single fault with Cara these days. “Everything is really coming together.”

“It is. For all of us. We just need Rachel and Andi to come around more often, and we could have a very special group of friends.”

Juliet pondered that idea for a moment. She would love to have Rachel and Andi at the bar more often, but it just didn’t seem to be something they wanted. Juliet could only hope that they would one day come around to the idea. Still, she knew how difficult things had been when she stopped seeing Rachel as her escort. Juliet had to understand that space was required until everyone was satisfied. “Maybe one day they will. Who knows.” Juliet smiled. “Now, tell me all about work. How is the headteacher position going?”

Caz puffed out her cheeks, and her eyes widened. “Where to begin…”

Chapter 13

“You must be looking forward to Paige finishing the tour. She doesn’t have much longer now, does she?” Henry smiled as he took a cup of coffee from Juliet. “Thanks.”

“Not long at all. But it’ll still feel like forever. It usually does.” Juliet motioned towards the couch, sighing as she sunk down into it. Henry joined her. He didn’t usually come up to the apartment, Juliet could count on one hand the number of times she had invited him up here, but he was good company. “And the bar is almost finished.”

“Yeah, I called in a couple of days ago. I know the plans didn’t look like much of an extension, but the extra space really makes a difference, don’t you think?”

“Oh, absolutely. I think Paige is going to be surprised by just how much more room we have. And if she wants to reposition her piano, she can. There’s more than enough room to change things around.”

Henry shrugged. “I don’t know. I think the piano is in the perfect position. Kind of like it’s there, but it’s out of the way.”

“Something Paige prefers,” Juliet said, smiling at the thought of seeing her behind the piano again soon. “I hope the extension hasn’t affected the acoustics. They were perfect as they were.”

“Paige will figure it out. She knows how she wants things.” Henry sipped his coffee and then placed the cup down on a side table. “You haven’t done much while she’s been gone. Unless you’ve been sneaking out and I haven’t noticed.”

Juliet hadn’t done much because there wasn’t much to do. It was the reason she had bought The Hideout last year. To keep her occupied. With Paige away and the bar being worked on, Juliet was bored to tears. “Don’t worry. You’d know if I’d gone out.” She crossed her legs and cleared her throat. “I’ve been thinking. I’m not sure you need to sit around all hours of the day anymore. Nothing has seemed out of the ordinary, and I’m beginning to wonder if that threat was nothing more than a scare.” So much time had passed since Juliet had been told to watch her every move that it surely wasn’t still likely to happen now.

Henry shifted, seemingly uncomfortable. “I don’t know. I’m not sure I like that idea.”