“It’s just not what we do around here. Any…partners usually stay away.”
Well, it was a good job this tour was coming to an end. Paige didn’t have time for bullshit like this.
“Good to know. But since the tour is almost over, I guess it doesn’t really matter. Juliet has our business to take care of back home, so she won’t be joining me again.”
Soraya nodded slowly, still focused on her phone. “Sounds great. Is she planning to follow you to the States and South America, too?”
“I’m sorry?”
“The world tour,” Soraya said as though the information had been out there for a while. “You didn’t think I’d drop you from my support, did you?” Soraya knew Paige had no plans to turn this into something more. Why she had bothered mentioning a world tour to Paige was a mystery.
“I won’t be available for a world tour. I agreed to the UK tour because it suited me, you needed an act last minute, and I wouldn’t be far from home. But a world tour? No, that just isn’t going to work for me.”
“Under the thumb at home?”
“Far from it, actually. But this was never going to be a huge thing for me. I have plans and a business to run. I’m happy with my quiet life back at home.”
Soraya studied Paige, her eyes narrowed. “You’re telling me that you’d rather clean alcohol up every night than tour the world?”
“Yes, I am. I’m telling you exactly that.”
Soraya scoffed, waving Paige off. “I think we need to talk about this properly. Not right now, I have social media things to deal with, but a discussion is important.”
Paige relaxed into her seat. They could discuss it all night long. It wouldn’t make any difference to Paige’s decision. “Sure. But I won’t change my mind, so don’t hold your breath.”
Chapter 11
Paige unzipped her suitcase where it rested on the holder and shook her head. That hadn’t been an enjoyable journey to a new city. Far from it, actually. Between Juliet’s fears and Soraya’s thoughts playing on her mind, Paige didn’t even want to perform tonight. She wanted to pack up and get the hell out of there. As she stood in this hotel room, her heart just wasn’t in it.
Which was a shame, really, because Paige’s heart had always been in her music…even when she told those around her it was no big deal. All of this, it wouldn’t have happened without Juliet, but Juliet felt wary at the thought of Paige being here. She wasn’t sure she could finish this tour right now. Then there was Soraya and the way in which she seemed to be pushing Juliet out of all of this. What gave her the right to tell Paige who she could and couldn’t see on this tour? Paige had done her a favour in coming back, and this was the thanks she got.
She didn’t like any of this. She was the least confrontational person when it came to relationships and friendships. She just wanted everyone to get along and live a quiet, drama-free life.
As she opened her case, she found a note on top of her clothes.
I love you. You’re amazing. J x
Okay, that made her feel slightly better. Juliet was always leaving little notes around the apartment, but Paige hadn’t expected one to greet her here in Bournemouth. She lifted her phone from the bed and sent off a text.
Thank you. I miss you already x
With the idea of a short nap quite enticing, Paige closed the blinds in her room and kicked off her shoes. As she pulled back the covers on the bed, there was a knock at the door.
“One minute,” she called out, closing her suitcase again. As she reached for the door handle and opened the door, Soraya stood staring back at her from the corridor. “Oh, hi.”
“Hey, do you have a few minutes?”
Paige chewed her lip. She didn’t particularly want Soraya in her hotel room with her. One, because this was her private space, and two, because she wasn’t quite sure what Soraya’s game was just yet. If Juliet was wary, Paige probably should be, too. “I guess so. Should we go down to the bar?”
Soraya shook her head and squeezed past Paige. “No. Here is fine.”
“I mean, it’s not…” Paige didn’t move from the door, but she did turn and frown in Soraya’s direction. “You can’t just stroll in here.”
Soraya rolled her eyes and opened the blinds. “Just…sit down for five minutes. I’m not here to fuck around. I just want to speak to you.”
Paige closed the door and moved towards a single chair by the desk. “Okay. What’s up?”
“About earlier,” Soraya started, looking down at her hands when she perched herself on the edge of Paige’s bed. “I probably shouldn’t have said what I did.”