Page 25 of Any Kind of Life

Paige had a feeling Juliet would notice the timestamp on her message. She was on the ball with things like that. “Yeah, I won’t make that mistake again. I feel awful today.”

“Did you enjoy yourself, though?” Juliet asked, seemingly a little distracted in her tone.

“I think so. I can’t remember half of the night, so your guess is as good as mine, babe. But never mind my night out. Tell me what you’ve been doing since I last spoke to you.”

“Not a lot. Just spending some time online and doing a little reading.”

Paige stared down at her shoes, smiling to herself. “And…missing me, I hope.”

“It’s impossible not to miss you, baby. The place is so quiet without you. While I enjoy the silence, it’s not the same.”

“No, I know. But it’s only a couple of weeks to go, and then I’ll be home.”

Juliet cleared her throat. “Is that the end of the tour then? Or does Soraya have plans to put more dates on?”

“As far as I know, it’s the end of the UK tour. So, that means I’ll be home, working with you, and snuggling you every night. And honestly, I can’t wait. I’m not cut out for this full-time.”

“I’m sure you could grow to love it.”

“Nope. I’m a home bird now. I know where I want to be and what I want. That includes my slippers, a glass of wine with you on the couch, and my comfy pants. Not all this glittery gown shit while people scream at me from the middle of an arena.”

“You’re…not enjoying it?”

Paige hadn’t meant to sound so ungrateful. There were musicians out there who would give up everything they had for an opportunity like this. Paige just…preferred her home life. “No, I am. I’m really enjoying it. It’s just not something I could do long-term, you know? My main priorities are you and the bar.”

“Then I can’t wait until you’re home with me.”

“Me too.” Paige looked up to see Soraya waving at her from the window. It looked like lunch had arrived. “I don’t want to go, but lunch is here, and I really need to eat something.”

“Go and eat. I’ll talk to you later.”

“Okay. Bye, babe. Missing you.”

Juliet sighed lightly. “Missing you, too. Be safe. I love you.”

Chapter 9

Paige stroked the final key on the piano, her body spent from such an intense set tonight. This crowd had been the loudest by far, the noise from them as she came onto the stage quite overwhelming. She loved doing this, her voice was her one true talent, but it meant nothing if Juliet wasn’t sharing these moments with her. After all, it was Juliet who had shown her what she was capable of. It was Juliet who had encouraged Paige to follow this path. But something felt missing without her here.

As she rose to her feet and waved to the crowd, Paige felt eyes on her. Of course the crowd was cheering and chanting her name, thousands of eyes were on her, but it was a feeling she was all too familiar with. She scanned the first few rows of the sea of people before her, her breath catching when Juliet stared back with adoration. The grin Paige wore was standard now, but it was the tears welling on her eyelids that only proved what it meant to see Juliet here. She came…

Paige blew Juliet a kiss and mouthed ‘I love you’ before leaving the stage to the left. Could she climb her way through the throngs of people just so she could kiss her girlfriend? No, she wanted her backstage with her. She rushed off to her dressing room and grabbed her phone from the locker.

Come to the side of the stage. I’ll ask security to let you through x

Paige rushed back out of the dressing room and towards the floor. She saw Juliet weaving her way through the crowd, leaning in and speaking to security when she reached them.

“It’s okay. She’s with us.” Paige placed a hand on the security guy’s shoulder, breathing a sigh of relief when he helped Juliet over the barrier. “Thanks.”

Paige took her hand and dragged her away from the noise and strobe lighting, pushing Juliet to the wall as soon as they were out of view. Their lips met, an urgency Paige hadn’t expected to feel, her hands roaming around Juliet’s hips.

She drew back, their foreheads touching. “God, you don’t know how much I needed to see you tonight.”

“You were amazing, Paige.” A tear slipped down Juliet’s cheek as she tried to blink more away. “Truly amazing.”

“Come with me.” Paige pulled Juliet away from the wall and rushed along the hallway to her dressing room. The door slammed shut as they made their way inside, but it was Paige who found herself pressed against it. “Babe…”

“Do you have any idea how beautiful you are? How amazing you look? Or that voice…God, that voice, Paige.” Juliet held Paige’s face, leaning in and kissing her. “I love you. You’re incredible.”