Juliet cleared her throat. “Oh, yes. Been busy doing things around the apartment and at the bar.”
“Really? I called the bar this morning expecting you to be there, but the builder said he hadn’t seen you.”
“Oh. Weird.”
Juliet knew Paige was narrowing her eyes, trying to decide if she believed a word she said.
“Everything okay, babe?”
Paige sighed. “Juliet. I’d rather you were honest with me.”
“Fine. I’m not okay. I’m bored to tears, I miss you, and this apartment is like being in a morgue.”
“Haven’t you heard from Hannah or Caz?”
And there it was. Confirmation that Paige had been in touch with them before she left. “Hannah texted me before. Asked if I wanted to have lunch with her.”
“And you’d rather sit in our morgue-y apartment than agree to that?”
“Seems I would.” Juliet inhaled the scent of Paige’s hoodie again, smiling against the fabric. “But never mind me. Tell me about your plans for the rest of the day.”
“I’m heading off to the venue soon for a soundcheck. Then it’s just waiting around, really.”
Juliet knew how much Paige hated sitting around. She preferred to keep busy doing useful things. “Well, it’ll be over before you know it, and then you’ll be back at the hotel.”
“Hope so. Soraya is doing her usual planning for things after shows. I know it’s what they all do, go out drinking and that, but I’d rather relax, you know?”
“I know. But join them. You may enjoy yourself.”
Paige scoffed. “Unless you’re going to be there, I doubt I’ll enjoy any of it.”
While it warmed Juliet to know that Paige wished she was there, she still preferred Paige to immerse herself in the experience. Okay, the UK wasn’t Europe, but it was still one hell of a chance to show the world what she was capable of. Juliet knew all about the amazing things people were saying online. The UK would love Paige just as much as Europe had. And who knew…maybe further afield in time.
“So, can I call you tonight when I’m finished? It might be late; I don’t like to leave the side of the stage while the others are performing. It seems rude, you know?”
“Of course. I’ll be here waiting to speak to you again.”
“Okay, good. Maybe we could Facetime instead? I miss looking at you.”
Juliet would never turn down that opportunity. She thought she would have been the one missing the other more, but it seemed they missed one another equally. Two days in…and Juliet was a complete mess. At least this would give her a reason to shower and actually make herself look presentable. “I miss looking at you, too.”
“Then it’s a date. You and I, tonight.”
Juliet giggled. “Should I bring wine?”
“You know what, you should. Let’s make it something special and spend some time with one another. I have nowhere to be.”
Juliet had just fallen in love with Paige all over again. A Facetime date was exactly what she needed in her life right now. It was the closest she could be to Paige since she was all the way at the bottom of the country. Just the drive down would take her seven hours, and that was without traffic. “I can’t wait.”
“Me neither. But I should go. I’m sorry, babe.” Paige cleared her throat and exhaled a breath. “I wish I had more time to talk. I only have a few minutes before I leave the hotel.”
“Baby, you don’t have to explain. I know you’re busy.”
“One thing I’ll never be is too busy for you. I promise to be around tonight. Let’s say midnight, okay?” Paige and Juliet were more than used to late nights that extended beyond midnight. That was relatively early for them these days.