Page 11 of Any Kind of Life

“Could we spend the rest of the evening together, or do you have anything else to prepare?”

Paige held out a hand, pulling Juliet to her. “I’m all yours.”

Juliet turned Paige, her arms wrapped around Paige’s waist from behind. They watched the flickering lights, the traffic below them, Juliet’s chin resting on Paige’s shoulder. “In case I don’t say it enough, I’m so proud of you.”

“I’m proud of you, too.”

“Me? What is there to be proud of?”

Paige angled her head and kissed Juliet’s nose. “Everything. All of you. Does there need to be one thing in particular?”

Juliet’s arms tightened as she nuzzled her face into the side of Paige’s neck. “I don’t think you realise how much I’m going to miss you. I’m dreading it.”

“Me too, babe.” Paige settled her hands over Juliet’s, wanting to remain in this position and pretend tomorrow wouldn’t come. “How about I run us a bath and we relax together?”

“Can I bribe a film and snacks out of you too?”

Paige twisted in Juliet’s arms, drawing her into a kiss. “You don’t have to bribe anything out of me. You know I’ll give you anything I’m capable of giving.”

Juliet kissed the tip of Paige’s nose, holding her as close as she possibly could. “I’m so lucky to have you in my life.”

Oh, Paige was the lucky one here without a doubt. Leaving her marriage had felt like such a harrowing experience before she landed in Liverpool and felt that connection with Juliet. The mere thought of being alone, even though it would have always been the right decision, didn’t stop Paige from worrying about the future. It didn’t stop her from staying in an abusive relationship. To be here like this, holding Juliet before she went off on a UK tour with one hell of a performer…she had never imagined this life. Surely, that was all luck.

“Before I leave, I want to thank you for never giving up on me. On us.”

Juliet drew back but still held onto Paige’s waist. “How do you mean?”

“I tried to walk away from you on a few occasions, babe. I couldn’t see past the idea of James coming in and ruining everything. You persevered, you supported me, but most of all, you showed me that I could have a good life here.”

“It was important to me that you didn’t feel pressured.”

“And I didn’t. Not once. But it was that day when you promised to help me leave that really set my future in stone. I could see the torment in your eyes; I felt it, too. Deep down. But you would have let me go, wouldn’t you?”

“I…yes,” Juliet said quietly, lowering her eyes. “But I hope you know it wasn’t because I didn’t love you. I just…didn’t want you to feel frightened for your future. I also didn’t want you to feel terrible about any decision to leave, so I played along and hoped that, in time, you would come back to me.”

Paige smiled as she dipped her head and found Juliet’s eyes.

“Only, you never left. You didn’t walk away from me.”

“That period of time was one of the most terrifying parts of my life. The ache in my chest when I thought about not being with you anymore, even though it was for my own safety…I wondered if I’d survive breaking up with you.”

Juliet lifted a hand and brushed Paige’s hair from her face. “You would have.”

“Maybe. But I wouldn’t have been happy. I’d have just been existing for the sake of it.” Juliet looked at Paige with confusion. She likely wondered where Paige was going with this conversation. “What I’m saying is…that time in my life could have broken us. It almost did. If you think I’m going to leave you while we’re at our highest, you’re wrong. All I want every day is to do life with you, babe. I don’t care about the fans or the amazing reviews from my sets. I don’t care about how much I could be making one day. All I care about is my home.” Paige pressed a hand to Juliet’s chest. “Here. With you.”

“I want to share this experience with you, Paige. I want to cheer you on and enjoy every second of your success. Whether that is together or apart, I’m never not going to have your back. Just please remember that. I know we have an incredible relationship, and deep down, I know that we’ll be standing here like this for many years to come, but don’t ever feel as though you have to have this life. If you want anything different, you grab it with both hands and adore every moment of it. If that thought ever crosses your mind, please don’t consider me in it. Only think about yourself and what’s best for you. Okay?”

Paige clenched her jaw, forcing back a swell of emotion. If Juliet really thought there was the potential to break up, she really needed to give Paige more credit. This life—their life—was only just beginning. “I’ll be here. That’s all you need to remember.”

Juliet fisted both hands in Paige’s T-shirt, pulling her close and burying her face in Paige’s chest. “You are extraordinary.”

There had been many moments in Juliet’s life when she had been taken aback by something. Whether that was in her career, her social life, or simply by something she had come across on the street. But here, tonight, Juliet found herself entirely speechless. Because of Paige and her maturity. Because of their relationship and how she knew Paige would fight for it until her very last breath. Because of love…and just how unbreakable theirs was.

When she had uttered her fears to Paige last week and again tonight, Juliet hadn’t known what to expect. Paige could have flown off the handle and taken offence, she could have walked away from the conversation and told Juliet not to be so ridiculous, but instead…Paige had quelled those thoughts and fears. She had held Juliet against her and allowed whatever she felt to come and go when it was ready to. That spoke volumes as to who Paige was as a person. And as a life partner.

Paige sat between Juliet’s legs in their deep bathtub, lavender calming Juliet as Paige sat forward in the hot, soapy water. Juliet reached out and traced her fingertip along the tattoo covering Paige’s back. She studied the intricate lines, smiling when Paige moaned lightly, then leaned forward and placed a kiss on Paige’s shoulder.

“Tell me about this tattoo.”