Page 18 of A Little Light

“So, you met Jane when you were on a night out with your friends from work? At a gay bar. But none of your friends were gay?”

Andi smiled. “Correct. Two of them are gay now, but back then, it was just little old me.”

Rachel relaxed back in her seat, bringing her cocktail closer yet pushing her plate away. She’d initially been worried about Andi’s reaction to coming here, but she hadn’t batted an eyelid. Or she had but had chosen not to show it. Either way, Rachel couldn’t recall the last time she’d had such a great night. Andi was easy-going and good fun. And the dress she wore…well, it was enough to leave Rachel feeling a little more than flustered. Thankfully, she’d mastered a good poker face over the years.

“That’s the friends you want to keep around. Taking you to a gay bar so you could find your future wife. That’s dedication.”

“We’re all still good friends to this day,” Andi said, those dark eyes soft as she stared at Rachel from the opposite side of the table. “But it is nice talking about my past with you. As you said the other day, you have no ties to me or Jane.”

“Even if I did, I’m very good at separating and being neutral when it’s needed. I guess it’s something I’m used to because of my job.”

Andi leaned in, dragging her hair over one shoulder. The closer she got, the more Rachel felt spellbound by her eyes. “Tell me the kind of people you usually work…with. Or is it for?”

“With or for works for me. And to answer your question, all kinds of people. Women only, I don’t have any male clients. I have clients who are single and lonely, I have clients who aren’t happy in their marriage and just want someone to vent to, and I have clients who are in very high-powered jobs and need to let go now and then. Maybe a night at a club or something similar.”

“And do you…you know?” Andi lowered her eyes to the table, clearing her throat. “Tell me to mind my own business.”

“Sleep with them?” Rachel came right out and said it. She had no shame in who she was. None whatsoever. “No, I don’t.”

“And do clients ever come to you hoping for that?”

Rachel cocked her head. Why was Andi so interested in the goings-on of her career? “Of course they do. But I explain to them right away that it’s not the type of service I offer. I’m sure they can find that somewhere else, but not with me. My rules are very clear on my page.”

“That’s fair enough,” Andi said, shrugging. “Correct me if I’m wrong, but it’s not an offence to sleep with an escort, is it?”

“You’re right, it’s not. But you’ll be surprised by just how many of us don’t sleep with clients. We’re not the whores society makes us out to be.” Andi’s eyes widened as Rachel said that, but she hadn’t been pointing the finger at Andi. “Don’t worry, I don’t mean you. You’re lovely. You’re probably the most unproblematic person I know.” Rachel picked at the corner of her napkin and cleared her throat. “I…did cross the line once. My mistake and one I’ll never make again.”

“Can I ask what happened?”

“I foolishly fell in love with her. The problem was, she didn’t love me in return. It wasn’t something she’d ever considered. But that’s my fault for allowing something deeper to occur. She drew me in, and I couldn’t help how I felt.”

Andi inched her hand forward, placing it over Rachel’s in support. While she’d loved being here this evening—the setting considered romantic to many people—she was beginning to wish they’d gone to a generic burger bar. Because as Andi’s soft skin covered Rachel’s between the two candles on the table, she once again got lost in Andi’s eyes. Fuck!

“I know you probably think that being an escort means you don’t have the right to a relationship or something meaningful with another woman, but that’s not true. For the short time that I’ve known you, I’ve established just what a wonderful person you are. You kept me from sitting home alone…in a place I’m not familiar with. You’ve made me laugh, and you’ve reminded me that Christmas can be the exciting time of year it once was for me. All because of a chance encounter at the hot chocolate hut. Granted, it may have gone wrong during our initial meeting, but I think you’ve more than made up for it just by inviting me here tonight.”

“That’s…I…thank you.” Rachel blushed. If she’d noticed anything since meeting Andi, it was that she blushed a lot. Even with Juliet, she hadn’t found herself flustered, but that was likely because she had to push down her feelings in Juliet’s company. And then, when it was too late, she’d told Juliet what she thought of her. “I meet so many new people, but you’re different. Maybe it’s because there’s no payment involved.” Rachel stroked her thumb across Andi’s knuckles. “Which I have to thank you for, by the way.”

“Thank me?”

“This is all I’ve ever wanted. Someone I can spend time with who doesn’t pay me. A friend who I can talk to about the most mundane things in life. A woman who isn’t afraid to wear her heart on her sleeve.”

Andi nodded slowly. “It’s been a long time coming for me, but I’m ready to move forward. I know I am. And if you ever find yourself looking for someone to have dinner with again, you only have to call.”

Rachel swallowed, trying hard to remind herself that this was just friends having dinner. Although, judging by the fact that neither of them had let go of one another’s hand yet, friends was beginning to feel like the biggest lie Rachel could ever tell herself. Still, she found herself unable to pull away. “You…really mean that?”

“I do mean it.”

“Then I’d love to do this again.”

* * *

Andi smiled as the dazzle of the city lights came into view in the distance, feeling lighter, having spent the evening with Rachel. She was hoping it wouldn’t become a habit in some ways, Rachel was very easy to enjoy, but deep down, she knew she wanted to continue doing this. Perhaps the potential for a date was there down the line, but even just friends would be lovely. She’d meant everything she said back at the restaurant. Rachel did deserve to be treated like an ordinary human being. Her job didn’t make her any less of one. No, in Andi’s mind, Rachel was a saint. Putting her own love life on hold so she could guide those who needed her through tough times…yes, she was most definitely saintly in many ways.

“So, you’re ten minutes this way outside the city…and I’m ten minutes the other way outside of the city.”

Andi turned her head, a smile spread on her mouth. “You didn’t have to go out of your way to bring me home, but yes. Not for much longer for you, though. Once the paperwork for the loft is finalised, you’ll be right in the thick of it.”

“God, I can’t wait.” Rachel winced. “I’m sorry. I should have been more sensitive.”