Page 88 of Study You

“Mm. Hard to nap when I’m alone, though. Just another thing you’ve changed for me. I was so used to sleeping alone, but now, it fills me with dread.”

“Sorry, babe. Mum asked if I’d stay and have a brew with her. Couldn’t really say no since I haven’t been around for her much lately.”

Gillian frowned as Finn got to her knees at the side of the couch. “Don’t ever apologise for spending time with your mum. I’m glad you stayed. I don’t want anyone to think I’m holding you hostage here.”

Finn snorted. “Chance would be a fine thing.”

“How is she? Is it going well with the care agency?”

“It is. Maybe too well. She’s never home these days. Then she tells me she never sees me.” Finn grinned, and Gillian knew she was thankful that they could spend this time with one another while knowing Finn’s mum was in safe hands. It meant a lot that she could be in this position now. She saw that in Finn’s eyes alone. “Do you…think this all happened for a reason?”

“How do you mean?” Gillian asked, brushing Finn’s hair from her face. Soft and so beautiful as it slid through her fingers.

“I don’t know. But I feel like everything is aligning for me lately. I have you when I didn’t think I could. My mum has finally accepted the help and is really enjoying it. I’m in a relationship with a woman I can’t stop thinking about. It just all feels as though it was meant to happen when it did. Even with the issues we could face at uni.”

Gillian had to agree with Finn. Several weeks ago, she would have panicked at the thought of Deena knowing, but now and as she lay here in her new home? She couldn’t help but feel at peace. Finn wasn’t going anywhere. She was more than willing to wait until the time was right. What did Gillian possibly have to complain about? “You’re right. I wasn’t looking, and you just landed in my lap. Whether I wanted it at the time or not.”

“I think you’ll find that you landed in my lap,” Finn said, smirking. That playfulness was present in her eyes, sending Gillian’s heart rate soaring. “But I’m glad that you did. It’s a very fine arse to have in my lap.”

Gillian sighed the most contented sigh. At peace didn’t come close to how she felt. In this moment, she felt so loved that nothing could bring her down. “Change into something comfortable. I want to snuggle with you.”

“Another thing you brought out in me.” Finn rolled her eyes as she got to her feet. “Finn Ashton, the snuggler. Unheard of until you came along.”

“Then I feel honoured to be in your arms night after night.”

“Hey, uh…” Finn scratched the back of her neck, hesitancy clouding her eyes as she took a step back. “I wondered if maybe you wanted to meet my mum.”

Gillian would love to…down the line. Now didn’t quite feel like the right time. She sat up, swinging her legs over the edge of the couch. “I’d love to, I really would, but not right now.”

“No, of course. It was a stupid thing to ask.” Finn laughed nervously. “I don’t know why I did ask. It’s just that she mentioned it before, about how she’d like to meet you.”

Gillian got to her feet and brought Finn into her arms. She cocked her head, one hand slipping into the back pocket of Finn’s jeans. “The reason I say not now is because I don’t want to lie to her, Finn. She doesn’t need to be a part of that. Once this is out in the open and we don’t have to hide, I’ll be there in a heartbeat. I hope you know that.”

“You’re right. We’re lying to enough people at the minute. It’s probably best not to add any more to that list.”

“I don’t particularly care about anyone else we lie to down the line, but not your mum. That’s not a very good first impression to make, is it?”

“I know, babe. So long as you’d be willing to down the line, I’m okay with it not happening yet.”

“I promise you.” Gillian drew Finn in, laying a gentle kiss on her lips. “You know I wouldn’t lie to you.”

Finn regarded Gillian with a loving smile. “I know. I’m going to take a quick shower, and then I’m all yours. I won’t be long.”

Gillian nodded slowly, watching Finn turn and walk away. She knew they were serious, but having the conversation about meeting parents cemented just how serious this was. Was Gillian scared? At one time, she would have been. But it was hard to be scared about anything regarding Finn these days. When the time was right, meeting Finn’s mum would happen. And Gillian couldn’t wait for that day.

Chapter 30

Finn laid out her notepad and pen, determined to make this semester count. Reading week was over, she’d had the most amazing time with Gillian, and now it was time to knuckle down and keep being the dedicated student she was. Finn didn’t need to sneakily admire Gillian anymore; she could do that back at Gillian’s place pretty much whenever she felt like it. Of course, there would always be lingering looks, but that was where it ended from this point on.

Five months and I can be with her everywhere…

Finn couldn’t help the small smile that graced her lips as she reminded herself of that. After being away last weekend with Gillian, it was all she wanted. To be out and happy, showing off the very woman who had aligned everything in her life once and for all. Nights with Gillian in her arms were far more fulfilling than she thought they could be. When they cooked dinner together, swaying one another to the music in the kitchen…well, Finn couldn’t remember a time before Gillian. When she lay on her bed, miserable and wondering where she was headed in life, this hadn’t been the expected result.

Falling in love with a woman who wanted her just as much as she wanted them.

“How was the rest of your week off?” Deena asked, eyeing the front of the lecture hall where Gillian prepared today’s presentation. “Busy?”

“Not really. Good, though.”