Page 74 of Study You

Finn smoothed a palm over Gillian’s knee and smiled. “Don’t worry, babe. Your place is all I’m dedicated to outside of studying.”

“I know.” Gillian squeezed Finn’s hand, pulling it into her lap as they both made themselves comfortable. “And I was thinking,” Gillian said as she eyed Jan. “That I could arrange some kind of paint party. Get some of the girls around, and we can all do our bit.”

“No alcohol.” Finn laughed. “I’ve been hired to go in and fix the result of paint parties before today. Getting leathered while you’re decorating a house isn’t the best idea.”

“Maybe I’ll just bribe them all with some fancy meal to say thank you.”

Finn nodded in agreement. “That sounds like the perfect idea.”

Jan slapped her knee. “Right, well, since that’s sorted…I had a few questions for you, Finn.”

Oh, Lord. Where the hell was Jan going with this conversation?

* * *

Finn swallowed as Gillian held her hand tighter in her lap. Jan had questions? About what? It had been Jan who had encouraged Finn to give Gillian a chance…to give her time, so if she was about to grill Finn, she wasn’t sure what her reaction would be.

“Um…okay. What questions?”

“Well, I’m looking at having a new kitchen. Would you come and give me a quote for it? I’d rather have someone I trust in my house than a complete stranger.”

“Oh.” Finn nervously laughed, and then Gillian followed. “Sure. Of course. I can’t really start anything until I’ve finished at Gillian’s place, but yeah.”

“No rush. I haven’t told my husband yet.”

“Well, uh.” Finn scratched the back of her neck, aware that she was feeling a little clammy. “I’m sure Gillian can give you my number whenever you’re ready.”

“Perfect.” Jan got to her feet and took her cup into the kitchen. “So, on that note, I’m going to head home and leave you two in peace.”

“Oh, no need to leave because I’m here. Really.” Finn started to stand, but Gillian held her in place.

Jan smiled. “It’s been a long day. I’m ready to go home and unwind.”

Finn simply nodded. She wouldn’t force the woman to stay, not if it meant Finn could spend some time alone with Gillian. Those text messages from earlier had been on her mind since the moment Gillian said she was driving again. “Well, it was nice to see you again.”

“I hope I’ll be seeing a lot more of you, Finn.” Jan shrugged her jacket on and draped her scarf around her neck. “Gill, give me a call about that paint party when you need some extra hands.”

“I will.” Gillian separated from Finn, walking Jan to the door. They embraced, and then Jan pulled back and winked at Gillian.

“I’ll talk to you soon, love.”

Once they had said their goodbyes, Gillian flicked the lock on the back of her apartment door and turned to Finn. “Hi. How was the rest of your day?”

“Good. Yeah.” Finn sat lengthways on the couch, her hands clasped behind her head. “Yours?”

“Well, I had a long soak in the bath. That was divine. My feet were killing me today.”

Finn beckoned Gillian closer. “Come here. Sit at the opposite end.”

Gillian frowned but did as Finn asked.

“Socks off. Feet up.” Finn patted her lap, cracking her knuckles in preparation for giving Gillian one of her epic foot massages. “Now…hard or soft?”

Gillian laughed as she brought her feet up into Finn’s lap. “Depends what you’re referring to?”

“Mind out of the gutter. This is me being romantic. Hard…or soft?”

“Mm, a little of both?”