Finn was able to. Her dad hadn’t left the house all day, and it was unlikely he’d do so now. “I’d love to, but I don’t want to get in the way, you know?”
“Why would you get in the way, Finn?”
The way Gillian said her name had Finn aching to kiss her. It always sounded like honey. “I don’t know. But she’s your friend, and I’m sure you have things to discuss with her. Given what happened last night…”
“I don’t discuss my sex life. Not in detail, anyway.”
Finn burst out laughing. “Oh, God. That’s not what I meant. I meant the conversation we’d had before the sex.”
“Oh. Yes. Sorry.” Finn knew Gillian would be blushing. She could tell by her tone. “How about I text you when we’ve got that discussion out the way, and then you could come over? Maybe…bring an overnight bag again.”
“I…yes. I’d really like that.” Spending time at Gillian’s place, away from here, only made Finn want to find a place of her own more so than before. The idea of lounging around, doing her own thing when she pleased, yeah…the appeal was there. “Maybe just text me later if you still want me to come over.”
“I will want you to come over,” Gillian said, the sound of her car door shutting. “I’m leaving campus now. Jan is due in a few hours, so be ready for when I text you. Though, I don’t plan to spend much time dwelling on something I can’t change right now. I’m tired of wondering what the right thing to do is.”
“Why the change of heart?”
“Because…” Gillian sighed. “I’ve realised just how much I like you being in my life. And my bed.”
“Mmhmm. I had a feeling that played a part in it.” Finn grinned, fully understanding how lucky she was to be in this position. It wasn’t ideal, but it was enough for now. “You get yourself home and relax for a while. I’ll see you this evening.”
“Okay.” Gillian fell silent, the sound of her car indicator evident in the background.
“Is everything okay, Gillian?”
“Yes. Of course. It’s just…I like hearing your voice.”
Finn blushed at that. Thank fuck she was alone so nobody could see it happening. “Well, I’m not busy, so if you wanted to keep me on your hands-free, I’m cool with that.” Finn frowned. “Even though I’d prefer it if you concentrated on the road and just got home safely.”
“Okay, okay. I’ll end the call and see you later.”
“Good. I’d rather miss you for a couple of hours than potentially never see you again. If you’re bored when you get home, send me a text. You know how much it entertains me.”
“Ah. Okay. I see.”
“But if you have things to do, then I don’t expect you to give me all your attention. I know your job doesn’t end when you walk off campus.”
“Luckily for you, I’m all caught up.”
Mmhmm. It was lucky for Finn.
“I’ll see you tonight, Finn. Don’t forget that overnight bag. Bye.”
And just like that, Gillian was gone, leaving Finn alone on her bed.
As she stared up at the ceiling, taking stock of everything, Finn could only smile. Gillian had just called her as though it was the most natural thing in the world. And it was, regardless of their positions when it came to academia.
Her phone buzzed, and as Finn checked it, she found an attachment waiting.
From Gillian.
She bit her lip as she opened it, her eyes wide when she was met with a picture of Gillian’s cleavage. She’d know those tits anywhere. White shirt, buttons undone, red lace bra. Fuck!
Gorgeous. Every last inch of you x
She sent it off, not expecting a response. Gillian was supposed to be driving home, and if Finn knew she was texting and driving, she would hit the roof.
Another ping.