Page 70 of Study You

Gillian nipped at Finn’s bottom lip. “I don’t have a single doubt this morning.”

“Good. It’s also important that you know I’ll stand by any decision you make about us if that time ever comes. While I’d like to think that we can work this out and manage a way to be together, I do understand that the potential is there when it comes to losing you. It’s early days; you may even hate me down the line for something entirely unrelated to your job, but I would walk away if that was what you needed me to do. Okay?” Finn pulled back, giving Gillian a knowing look. “You understand that, don’t you?”

“I do.” God, Gillian didn’t want their potential relationship to be this way. She wanted to enjoy every moment of it while getting to know Finn. Still, she appreciated what Finn was saying. It meant a lot to know that Finn was aware of the consequences Gillian could potentially face. “Right now, I hate that we can’t be like this together outside of this apartment.”

Finn lifted a shoulder. “I’ll just have to be extra romantic and adorable for you in here then, won’t I?”

“Now that is something I would never turn down.” Gillian urged Finn back a little and climbed down from her stool. “Unfortunately, I have to finish getting ready, but I’ll look forward to the next time I’m able to see you.” She offered Finn a peck on the lips, then moved to step around her.

Only Finn blocked Gillian from going anywhere at all. She pulled her in by her robe, kissed her with that same heated urgency she’d kissed her with last night, and smiled against her lips. “You know you only have to say the word, and I’ll be here.”

Gillian did know that. Finn’s eagerness was just one of the things she loved about all of this. Dave had never shown an ounce of eagerness when it came to Gillian. To other women…oh, absolutely. But Gillian? Never. “I’ll call you later, okay?”

“Call me? Hmm. That’s going to be interesting.”

Gillian’s brows drew together. “Why?”

“I’m not used to hearing your beautiful voice. When I’m working for you, sure. But like this? Now that we’re…dating? I’m just used to those dirty texts you send.”

Ah. Gillian had wondered how Finn felt about the sexting. Seemed she was quite fond of it. “Would you prefer my texts?”

“Depends what they say.” Finn grinned, holding Gillian against her. “If they’re fucking filthy, then I’d love to keep receiving them.”

Gillian lifted a hand and patted Finn’s cheek gently. “Good to know. I guess later will be a surprise.” Gillian wandered off into her bedroom, smiling when she heard Finn puff out a deep breath. Before she closed the door, she turned back. “Oh, and Finn?”

Finn’s head shot up in Gillian’s direction. “Y-yeah?”

“I…may even treat you to a picture or two.”

* * *

Finn stretched where she lay on her bed, lowering her laptop to the side of her. She’d spent the last three hours looking into care agencies, and she’d finally narrowed it down to two. She would discuss it with her mum, ask which she preferred, and hopefully, they could come to some kind of arrangement. Finn was swaying towards the first private company she had come across—all carers were required to be experienced drivers, and the option to take her mum out for the day was there—but ultimately, it would be Carol’s decision. Finn only wanted the best for her.

As she lay her head back and closed her eyes, the day and last night beginning to catch up with her, her phone started to ring on her bedside table.

Finn couldn’t help the smile that spread on her mouth. It was Gillian. “Hey.”

“Hi. How are you?” Gillian’s voice floated down the line like the most beautiful of sounds. “Busy day?”

“Productive day. That’s what I’m deciding to call it. Yours?”

“Tiring. But also productive.”

Finn crossed her legs at the ankles, getting comfortable. “I did a few hours at your place this morning. The living room will be ready for skimming in a day or two. So, you may want to start deciding on those colour schemes.”

“Wow. That soon?”

“Don’t get too excited. It’s only the living room. The rest of the place needs fixing, too.”

Gillian laughed as her heels echoed in the background. “That is true. But I know you’ll make it perfect for me, so I don’t mind how long I have to wait.”

“And it will be perfect. Nothing less is good enough.” Finn cleared her throat. “So, do you have any plans tonight?”

“Jan is coming over for a catch-up. Her husband is out of the country.”

Finn chose not to show her disappointment. She could survive one night without Gillian. “Well, have a lovely evening. Jan is great.”

“You…should come over. If you’re able to.”