Oh, God.
Gillian’s pulse quickened at the thought of the next few hours. She didn’t know what was coming, but wasn’t that part of the thrill? Finn always left her in anticipation, and moving forward, that appeared to be continuing.
“Hey,” Finn said as she pressed one knee to the bed and leaned down to kiss Gillian. “How do you feel about me blindfolding you?”
Gillian’s entire body fizzed at that question. How did she feel? Well, she didn’t know. But judging by her body’s response, it wanted to see what Finn had in store. “I’m okay with it. I think.”
Gillian smiled weakly. “It’s not something I’ve done before. In case you forgot, I had a terrible marriage with a woeful sex life.”
Finn smiled against Gillian’s lips when she offered her another kiss. “Good thing that’s changing, then. One thing we will never have is terrible sex. But I think you know that by now, babe.”
Oh, Gillian did know it. “I do.”
Finn draped a silk blindfold over her eyes. Gillian lifted her head to give Finn the space she needed to tie it, suddenly feeling overwhelmed by the fact she couldn’t see anything at all. She felt safe with Finn, she trusted her implicitly, but Gillian could still feel apprehensive.
“Feeling okay?” Finn asked, her breath close to Gillian’s ear.
The unexpectedness of Finn’s husky voice had wetness gathering between Gillian’s legs. “Y-yes.” She pressed her thighs together, her nostrils flared.
“Sure about that?”
“Yes. I just didn’t realise how much of a turn-on this would be.” Gillian’s skin tingled when Finn stroked her finger down Gillian’s stomach, careful to avoid anywhere that Finn knew would turn her on. “Wow.”
“You know I only want to make you feel good, babe. And I’m going to.” Finn dropped a kiss just above Gillian’s nipple, almost causing her back to arch. “And when I’m finished with you, you’re going to be a soaked, shaking mess.” Finn gently brushed her tongue over Gillian’s nipple, eliciting a moan. “Mmhmm. You know that’s what I like to hear.”
“F-Finn.” Gillian pressed her thighs together harder, determined to see this through without coming too soon. Only that was difficult when someone like Finn had her naked on the bed. Exposed…but ridiculously turned on. “God, I don’t know what you’re doing to me.”
Finn drew her fingertips down Gillian’s thigh as she whispered, “I’m about to be doing a whole lot more to you.”
Gillian relaxed her body, listening as Finn moved around the room. There was something incredibly arousing about not knowing what would come next. This was just another example of Finn knowing exactly what Gillian needed. Even if she didn’t know she needed it herself. God, she’s perfect.
A sudden featherlight touch caused Gillian to gasp, her hips lifting subconsciously. It wasn’t Finn’s fingers, but fuck, it heightened everything Gillian was already feeling. Her nipples hardened further, that need for friction now more prominent.
“I dream about this body,” Finn said as the bed dipped by Gillian’s legs. “I’ve fucked myself thinking of you. I’ve spent nights lying in bed alone…wishing I could be here with you while you moan my name over and over…”
“Oh, Finn.” Gillian gasped when Finn pressed a hand between her legs. She held it there, not moving, teasing Gillian. “Please.”
“Begging already?” Gillian knew Finn was smirking. She often did when Gillian couldn’t control herself. But that was Finn, always putting Gillian in a position to want more. “Would this help?” She slipped a finger between Gillian’s lips, moaning when she realised how soaked Gillian was. “Fuck. Do I not please you enough?”
“Oh, you please me more than enough.”
The mattress sprung back when Finn shifted, and light footsteps sounded within the room. Gillian heard rustling, and then she felt Finn beside her again. Her body heat gave her away. “Arms up. Hands together.”
Gillian complied, fighting back the urge to pull Finn on top of her. She wouldn’t; this was too exciting to interrupt. She could have Finn on top of her whenever she wanted that. This…tonight…was about a new experience.
Finn brought another piece of silk material to her skin, tying her wrists and fixing her hands to the headboard. Oh, my. Gillian shook with anticipation. Her body trembled as she lay in this very position. If Gillian planned to enjoy this night, she would have to surrender her entire self to Finn. And she would, without a second thought.
“Mm. Mm. Mm. If only you could see what I see right now.”
Gillian listened as Finn’s breathing changed. Knowing she had this reaction, how Finn found it hard to contain herself, it helped to dispel everything Dave had ever said to her.
“I wish you could see how beautiful you are. I wish you could feel how my pulse quickens just watching you. I wish…you knew your worth and just how honoured I feel to be in this room with you.”
Gillian rolled her lips inward, her eyes squeezed shut behind the blindfold. She didn’t want to cry, even if it would happen whether she liked it or not. “I wish I could feel you against me.”
Finn climbed onto the bed, straddling Gillian’s stomach. She felt Finn brace her hands on either side of her head, her breath painfully close to Gillian’s lips. “I need you to know something, babe.”