Page 98 of The Hideout

As the song came to an end, not a single breath could be heard. Paige knew that was positive these days and not what she’d assumed in the beginning. Silence meant shock…not a terrible performance. She smiled and got to her feet, heading straight back to the bar.

Cara offered her an approving nod as she passed her by, but then Paige frowned when Juliet suddenly made a beeline for her office. “B-babe?” Paige rushed after her, following Juliet inside and closing the door. When she turned Juliet, her cheeks were stained with tears. “What’s up? Why are you crying?”

“You are…extraordinary.” Juliet held Paige’s face, and then she studied every last inch of it. “I never knew happiness like this could exist, Paige.”

“Me neither.” Paige sniffled. “I didn’t think someone like you existed.”

“This feels overwhelming at times, probably more so for you, but I don’t ever want to imagine losing any of this. You. The bar. Anything my life has become.”

“We won’t lose it, babe. I’m so happy here.”

Juliet held Paige against her, kissing the top of her head. While Juliet held her tightly, Paige still felt that relaxation in her body. “I love you, Paige.”

“I love you, too.”

Chapter 30


Juliet is going to enjoy this. Paige thought, smiling as she brought the cocktail shaker above her shoulder, the sound of ice against the metal music to her ears. She’d become so used to the sound that once grated on her that it was rhythmic. Entrancing. It was all she knew and where she was comfortable. She set the shaker down, allowing the cocktail a moment to settle, and picked out a martini-style glass. It was a classic Brandy Alexander, only it would be named the Brandy Juliet on the new menus when they were printed this weekend.

Juliet had no idea Paige was working on this today, but if Paige had realised anything in the last few months, it was that Juliet wanted her to feel at ease here and to take control of the bar area. Paige thrived off the responsibility. She had also come to learn that Juliet preferred her food and drink on the sweet side. This was going to be right up her street.

She rolled her sleeves up further, removing the cap from the shaker as she poured slowly. The sweet and creamy liquid decanted into the glass, almost as smooth as the woman it was named after. Being alone at The Hideout while she was left to her own devices had become a common occurrence since the police had picked up James, that fear all but non-existent now. She didn’t wonder if he was going to come through the door; she didn’t watch her back if she popped out to pick up some lunch. No, she didn’t fear the consequences anymore.

And today, James was up in court.

Paige had tried not to think about it too much, she couldn’t change any outcome of whatever he did or didn’t face, but she was expecting a call fairly soon. She just hoped she heard the news before Juliet got back from meeting with their new local gin supplier. Whenever Paige mentioned James’ name, the fury in Juliet’s eyes was clear as day. She didn’t want Juliet to feel that anger; he wasn’t worth it.

Armed with a straw, Paige dipped it into the cocktail and placed her thumb over the opposite end. She brought it to her lips and dripped it into her mouth, almost moaning as that silky smooth liquid coated her tongue. Yeah, Juliet was going to devour this the moment she got back. Paige turned her watch towards herself, nodding. She had a few minutes before Juliet would walk through the door.

Since she had the perfect opportunity to play, Paige slid the cocktail glass towards the other side of the bar—ready and waiting for its taster—and moved towards the piano. She lifted the lid, exposing the keys, and gently caressed each one from right to left. The sound sent a shiver down her spine, her skin prickling with goosebumps, a now familiar smile spread on her mouth. Never in all her life did she imagine being in this position. Happy, in love, and with the ability to play whenever the mood took her. This is the life.

Paige heard the lock on the main door, but she chose to continue. She wasn’t playing anything in particular, simply exercising her fingers, but Juliet wouldn’t complain. She watched, waiting for Juliet to appear in front of her…only when she did, Paige’s heart slammed hard. Juliet stood in the doorway, holding her satchel loosely at her side. She wore a navy-blue pencil skirt with a white silk blouse tucked in, her knee-length navy-blue overcoat resting over her shoulders. Paige chose not to focus on the sexy heels. They only distracted her from everyday life.

Sheer. Perfection.

The melody of Nora Jones “The Nearness of You” came to her instantly, and as Paige blended fully into it, clearing her throat, Juliet dropped her satchel and rested back against the wall. Legs crossed at the ankles, arms folded across her chest. This woman was fully in control of Paige without even knowing it. But it wasn’t the same control James had once held. No, it was a sexy, smouldering control that had Paige weak at the knees every minute of the day.

She wanted to step up and claim Juliet’s lips. She wanted to lavish the delicate skin she knew hid beneath her clothes. God, what she wanted…she could have. Until forever.

Juliet mouthed, “you’re so beautiful,” as Paige pinned her with her stare. Those dark eyes held Paige’s, unwavering with each word, and as Juliet pushed off the wall and approached Paige, her fingers faltered against the keys. Juliet stood behind Paige, bending down as she whispered, “keep going,” low in her ear. Paige shuddered, that hot breath stroking her face. She wanted to keep going, but knowing Juliet was close by made it painfully hard to do so. Just the scent of Juliet’s perfume had Paige’s blood pumping faster. Her hands shaking.

When her voice eventually trailed off, the melody following, Juliet kissed Paige’s neck and smiled against her skin. “Hi, baby.”


“You smell really good today.” Juliet straddled the slight space behind Paige on the bench, wrapping her arm around Paige’s waist. “And I’ve missed you.”

“How did the meeting go?” Paige had no idea why she was asking or why she cared. She felt Juliet’s breasts pressing against her back…that’s what she should have been focused fully on.

Juliet moaned lightly when she brought her hands to the front of Paige’s shirt, gradually unbuttoning it. “I don’t think that’s important right now. Do you?”

“N-no.” Paige shuddered when Juliet’s soft palm caressed the swell of her breast, her fingers ever so slowly slipping inside her bra. “Babe…” Paige groaned, her nipples painfully taut. “Oh, fuck.”

“Mm. You feel good. Do you need me?”

“I always need you.” Paige allowed her head to rest back on Juliet’s shoulder, her eyes closing. Juliet pinched her nipple, sending arousal directly to her core. God, this woman and her hands. “I just didn’t expect this kind of welcome.”