She could understand why Harriet would ask that question. Paige hadn’t been in Liverpool for long enough—some may say—to fall for Juliet, but she knew what she felt in her heart. She didn’t care if people thought she was moving too fast. What she cared about was the fact that they felt comfortable and they fit well together. To hell with anyone else. “Yeah, we met when she interviewed me for the job. I’m so happy she took me on. Not only because it gave me the chance to know her and stuff but because I love this place. It’s really my kind of vibe.”
“I’m glad you’re happy here, Paige. I really am.”
“Me too.” Paige slowly stood up, taking their empty glasses from the table. “Another?”
“Go on. If you’re feeling up to it, I’ll have one of your fancy cocktails.”
Paige looked around the bar. Juliet wasn’t anywhere to be found. “Okay. If I’m quick, I’ll be able to make you one without Juliet telling me off.”
“Don’t go out of your way to make it, Paige.”
Paige lifted a shoulder. “I want to. It’s where I’m most comfortable.”
* * *
Paige threw her head back laughing, aware that she should be taking it easier than she was. Her pain had been manageable, so she hadn’t needed to medicate today, and that was just as well since they were practically drinking the bar dry. She’d likely regret it in the morning, but Paige enjoyed not worrying about what was coming in the next hour or the next day. Since James had agreed to the divorce, she’d felt entirely free.
She watched Juliet as she allowed someone entry to the bar, her eyes shifting to the entrance as the heavy door slammed shut at the top of the stairs. She felt Harriet’s eyes on her, trying to get a read on Paige’s thoughts, but she wasn’t worried about who was coming into the bar. Juliet was so on the ball that it was comforting.
A tall, well-dressed man straightened his suit jacket as he landed inside the small space. She’d seen him in here on many occasions, but he usually sat out of view, nursing a single drink all night. Then she realised she recognised him as their cab driver from several weeks ago, too. Paige instantly grinned. It was Henry. She just knew it when he smiled in her direction and offered her a single nod. Paige turned to Harriet, lifting her glass and sipping her whiskey slowly. “Can you give me a few minutes?”
“Thanks.” Paige approached Henry, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder as he reached the bar. “Hey, Henry.”
Henry turned, a glint in his eye when he smiled at Paige. “Paige. Great to finally get to meet you.” He eyed Juliet, but she simply scoffed and walked away. “Charming.”
“I…just wanted to say thank you for…you know.”
Henry nodded. “Don’t mention it. Anything for Juliet. She was worried about you.”
“I know. And she had every right to be. But seriously, thank you so much for taking care of things. You don’t know me, and I didn’t expect anyone to put themselves on the line for me. Least of all someone I’ve never had the chance to speak to before. But that changes now. Anything you want when you come in here is on me from now on, okay?”
“No. That’s not necessary.”
Paige squeezed Henry’s shoulder. “It is. You saved my life.”
“Do as the lady says, H.” Juliet stopped on the other side of the bar, giving Henry one of her stern looks. “If Paige wants to take care of things in here while you take care of things out there, you agree to it. Okay?”
Henry held up both hands. “Fine. I’m not going to fight with two of the strongest women in Liverpool. I’ll just do as I’m told.”
“Good man.” Juliet winked, taking a bottle of Scotch from the shelf. “Usual then?”
Henry grinned as he pulled himself up on a stool. “Good woman.”
“Hey, babe.” Paige leaned forward, beckoning Juliet closer. When her girlfriend did so, Paige immediately planted a kiss on her lips. “Just wanted to say that you look really good behind the bar.”
Juliet wrinkled her nose. “Really? I’m not enjoying it much. I smell of whatever alcohol I keep spilling.”
“That’s okay. I love sleeping next to someone who smells like a brewery.”
“Is that so? Does that mean you’ll be sleeping next to me tonight?”
Paige adored that look in Juliet’s eyes. It was a look that said ‘please come back to me.’ Nobody had ever given her that look before. Love, that’s exactly what it was. A crazy amount of love.
“Would you like that?”