Paige blew out a breath, shoving her hands in her pockets as she stared at the few boxes in the middle of the living room. The upside to living in and leaving this apartment was that she didn’t have to traipse all kinds of stuff across the city, but she would miss it in some way. It had been the place where she felt most comfortable in the weeks and months after filing for divorce. Of course she would rather be with Juliet, but Paige had always been quite content with her own company. She wasn’t sure that would ever change. It was a shame her mum hadn’t felt the same when it came to not needing attention or conversation. Thankfully, Paige hadn’t followed in her mother’s footsteps when dealing with loneliness. She didn’t hit the bottle. No, she thrived off her alone time more often than not.
She reached for her phone where it sat on the kitchen counter, and checked the time. She had promised Juliet she would be out of here by midday, so she would spend a few moments reflecting on the last year of her life before she began the next chapter. A chapter that could only be filled with further happiness and love. A chapter that she would write herself, not one that was written for and thrown at her. If the last twelve months had taught her anything, it was that being with the right person and living the truest version of herself would always be the correct path to take. Paige had never felt so comfortable in her own skin.
Her phone pinged in her hand.
Are you still coming here for midday? J x
Paige smiled. They were practically joined at the hip these days.
Yes. I’ve just finished packing my last tiny box. I can come now, if you want me to? x
No! Don’t come here yet. I’m in the middle of doing something. J x
Paige frowned as she read the message. What could Juliet possibly be doing just twenty minutes before she was due to arrive? And why was she doing it alone?
Need a hand with whatever it is you’re doing? x
Again, no. It’s a surprise. J x
Paige lowered her phone and moved towards the window. Juliet’s view was so much better than this, but she did enjoy the slight hint of river if she pressed her face against the glass and strained her eyes. It wasn’t much, but for the last year, it had been hers. Rented, sure, but this apartment had been the first place Paige felt she could call home. A home that didn’t come with the possibility of James banging the door down. A home that was warm and inviting. A home that had seen some beautiful memories already made with Juliet.
A thud out in the hallway startled her, and as she moved towards the door and spied through the peephole, she saw two men in what looked like removal uniforms standing with their hands on their hips. She brought her phone up again, texting Juliet.
Are those removal guys at your place? What’s going on? x
And then Juliet started to respond.
Yes. They’re here. DO NOT leave your apartment! J x
Okay, what the hell was going on? Paige didn’t want Juliet hauling things around to make room for her few measly boxes. It wasn’t necessary at all.
Are you moving out before I move in? x
Not in a million years. I’ll see you at midday. Not a moment sooner. I love you. J x
Paige’s heart thrummed a little harder, and a grin spread on her mouth.
I love you, too x
Feeling more at ease, Paige lowered herself to the couch and flopped back. She was done with waiting to kiss Juliet, so the sooner she’d finished doing whatever she was doing, the quicker that could be happening. Okay, she didn’t spend monumental amounts of time in this apartment anymore, but she had come back here alone last night so today would be more exciting. Sad, but true. And Juliet had agreed it would make the moving-in process exciting too. She may have that hardened shell, but Juliet Saunders was the biggest softie underneath it all.
Paige sighed. Right now, she wanted to have her arms wrapped around that big softie.
Now, and until forever.
* * *
Juliet frantically tidied her apartment, sweeping the wood flooring around where her new delivery sat. It had been touch and go in terms of even getting it through the door, but she would have succeeded one way or another. She didn’t quit, especially not with something so special now sitting in pride of place. Paige was going to be beside herself when she saw it. At least, that was what Juliet hoped for in terms of a reaction.
She shoved the brush into her cleaning cupboard, pulling the creases out of her T-shirt. It was Paige’s T-shirt, but whatever. Juliet often found herself wearing her girlfriend’s clothes lately.
“Babe?” Paige called through the door as she knocked. “Can I come in now?”