And then Aster turned to face her. “You didn’t have lunch again, did you?”
“I…didn’t have time. I had back-to-back meetings until two.”
“You should have said. I would have brought you something in.” Aster shook her head and then offered Eden an admonishing look. “You should always make time for lunch, babe.”
“It was your day off. And it won’t happen again.” Eden reached for her coffee, sipping slowly as Aster sighed. She eyed her girlfriend once more. “I promise.”
When Eden glanced in Ted’s direction, he was wearing a gentle smile. “I like that. You look out for one another.”
“Aster is…” Eden paused, suppressing the huge grin she felt working its way to her mouth. The love of my life… “Yeah, we do. She’s great.”
Ted offered a single nod. “She is. I don’t know what I’d do without her. All of them, actually, but Aster is… I’m sure you know what I mean.”
And Eden did know exactly what Ted meant. He didn’t have favourites, but Aster was the one he could rely on time and time again. Knowing that only made Eden even more proud to call Aster hers. Because when all was said and done, someone who was caring and had a heart of gold was the most important thing Eden could ever look for in another person. “I do.”
Ted winked as he watched the cogs turn in Eden’s mind. She knew the look in her eyes gave away just what she felt for Aster, but Ted was a gentleman, and Eden knew her secret was safe with him.
“Now.” He cleared his throat. “Tell me all about you.”
Great! The boring life of Eden.
* * *
Eden placed the empty cups and plates into the dishwasher, smiling as she watched Aster and Ted through the kitchen window. He wanted her to check on some of Heather’s plants, but Eden had decided she would remain indoors and tidy around from their dinner. Plants and Eden didn’t go very well together; she’d never forgive herself if she killed Aster’s mum’s rose bush.
Eden had learned more about Heather’s death during dinner—a brain haemorrhage when Lily was just two years old. And now, knowing what Aster had contended with at just seventeen…Eden had a newfound admiration for her girlfriend. Aster was strong, there was no doubt in Eden’s mind about that. This family were a rock to one another, and the love in Ted’s eyes for Aster was heartwarming.
She smiled as her gaze fell to Aster, laughing with her dad as they slowly walked around the edge of the garden. This home was lovely, a real family home. Warm, inviting, a thousand and one memories adorning the walls and shelves. It was the kind of home Eden always imagined she would own someday. Now that she had Aster in her life, there was no reason why that couldn’t one day come to fruition. Aster loved her family; anyone who paid attention could see that.
Her phone started to ring in her pants pocket, but the last thing Eden needed right now was to deal with a client or someone from her staff. She took it from her pocket, prepared to send the call to voicemail, when she noticed her mum was calling her. Okay, this was a surprise. Eden hesitated, but then she accepted the call. She didn’t want to avoid her mum, even if she was a little mad with her. “Hello?”
“Does she make you happy?” Angela asked quietly.
“I’m sorry?”
Angela cleared her throat. “Your girlfriend. Does she make you happy?”
Eden’s eyes strayed to Aster again, complete bliss settling in her chest. “Incredibly.”
“Then that’s what matters,” Angela said. “That she makes you happy. Because you’ve never been happy, Eden. Not really.”
Eden rested against the counter, crossing her legs at the ankles. “You’re right. I haven’t. But I’m still angry with you for how you spoke to Aster, Mum.”
“I’m sorry. You have to understand that I wasn’t expecting this. And I know I could have handled it better, but I am happy for you, sweetheart.”
Eden narrowed her eyes. “But are you? Really? I don’t want you to tell me what I want to hear if you have any issues with this. I know it was probably a shock, but I didn’t deserve the way you spoke to me. Or how you showed up at my apartment.”
“I am happy. And she seems…nice.” Angela didn’t sound overly convincing, but Eden wasn’t particularly bothered. In an ideal world, she’d have her parents’ blessing, but it was neither here nor there if they chose to support her or not. Aster wasn’t going anywhere, and Eden would do everything she could to ensure that. “She certainly stood her ground when it came to you. I admire that.”
Eden grinned. Nobody usually stood their ground where her mother was concerned. “She did. She’s got my back, and I’ve got hers. I’m actually at her parents’ home right now meeting her dad. He’s lovely. He’s a hugger; I like that.”
“Oh. That’s nice.”
“We’ve just had a cuppa and a light dinner.”
“Maybe you could join me and your father one day for lunch. With Aster too, of course.”
Eden’s brows rose with surprise. She’d love to reintroduce Aster to her mum. It couldn’t possibly be any worse than last time. “I’m sure we can arrange something in the next few weeks.”