“I’m sure you haven’t. Dom just needs some time.”
“She always worried that I wouldn’t trust her. That I’d be waiting for her to mess up. And now I’ve proved that to her even though I know I’m talking complete rubbish. She just…she’s never going to forgive me for this.”
Eden’s heart ached for Blair, it really did, but Blair would have to bite the bullet on this one and grovel until Dom forgave her. “You have some serious making up to do.”
“How? Should I buy her a gift? A car…a holiday?”
Eden wasn’t sure she was qualified to give advice about such a serious relationship, but she knew Blair’s money wasn’t going to fix this. “Maybe you should stick to some flowers and a bottle of wine. Dom doesn’t want your money, sweetheart. She wants your love, undivided attention, and trust.”
“I do trust her. I trust her with my life, Edes.”
“And she knows that. Deep down, at least.”
As Eden wiped fresh tears from Blair’s face, her office door opened. Aster stared back at them, frowning. “I…can come back.”
“No, it’s okay,” Blair spoke, clearing her throat as she did so. “I have to leave soon. I need to call into work and check on one of my cases.”
“Is everything okay?” The concern in Aster’s eyes warmed Eden to the core. “Did something happen? I got a text from Dom about twenty minutes ago.”
“S-saying what?” Blair turned her attention to Aster.
“She asked if I’d meet her this evening for a beer before she heads to her mum’s or something. I’m assuming she needs a friend right now if her fiancée is sitting in my girlfriend’s office crying.”
Blair slumped back against the couch, hiding her face in her hands as her shoulders shook. Eden got to her feet, approaching Aster. “Did you agree to meet her?”
“No, babe. I know we have plans tonight, so I asked if we could do it next weekend instead.”
Eden admired Aster for wanting to keep to their plans, but Dom and Blair needed them tonight. “Text her back. Tell her you’re free. I’ll take Blair home with me for a few hours.”
Aster frowned. “B-but we had plans.” Then she lowered her voice. “Very sexy plans.”
“And those plans will happen. But maybe not tonight. If Dom has been in touch with you, it means she trusts you. Please, for me?”
Aster leaned in, her lips lingering as she kissed Eden softly. It took everything within Eden to suppress a moan. “Anything for you.”
Eden needed another moment with Aster, gripping the front of her shirt and pulling her closer. “Call me when you’re leaving the bar. If you still wanted to stay the night…”
“Oh, I’m staying.”
Eden released Aster, offering her a thankful smile as her girlfriend backed out of the office. She glanced at Blair, her smile now faint as she disappeared from sight. Eden wanted a night with Aster, one that replicated every other night they’d spent together lately, but she had to be there for Blair. It was her duty.
“Right. Let me get my stuff together and then we’re out of here.”
“Eden, it’s fine. I’ll head home. You have plans with Aster; this is my own fault.”
“Nope. Wrong answer.”
* * *
Aster didn’t know Dom on a level that some of the team did, but she knew when something was seriously wrong. Today was one of those times. Dom’s eyes were dull and lifeless as she mindlessly picked at the label on her beer bottle, her jaw clenched. Aster would like to think she could help here, but she wasn’t sure she was cut out for such a serious conversation.
“You know, picking at labels is a sign of sexual frustration.”
Dom scoffed. “Well, if things don’t change, I’ll have major sexual frustration going on. I’ll never sleep with another fucking woman again!”
Okay, something had definitely gone down. “Wanna talk?”
Dom’s eyes found Asters. “If Eden accused you of sleeping with another woman, how would you feel about it?”